The boy with the biggest heart

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requested by @Pouge-Kook-gang, i hope you like it!!!!

Moving away from the country i've lived in my whole life wasn't easy. But here i am with my father John Keating in America.

Which also meant that i had to change schools. I now go to Welton. I don't have that many friends though i do have Neil. 

Neil is one of the best friends i have ever had. We instantly clicked. He is so so so kind to me, he helps me with anything i might need help with and he's overall just great. He's introduced me to his other friends, the dead poets. They were so welcoming and kind to me.

Yet i think i have a favourite.

Neil Perry, the brown haired boy who completely understood me even from the beginning. The boy with the sweetest smile and the most intoxicating laugh i ever heard. The boy with the biggest heart and the warmest hugs. The boy i had loved since the moment i saw him.

Does he know this? Of course not.

How could he, the best person in the entire world, love me?


Today we had to read the poem we had made for english class. I'm not good with public speaking so i am really nervous, and the fact that my poem isn't my best work so far doesn't really help. Trying to focus on the class that i was in i heard the bell ring. Fuck, i have english, and i really really don't want to read my poem out loud. I really don't.

Walking in the classroom i sit down next to Neil, i smile at him and he does the same. Listening to the poems of the other people, Mr. Keating starts talking.

"Now, who's next?" 

The class is silent.

"Mr. Anderson, i see you sitting there in agony."

I look at Todd and i don't think i have ever seen someone as nervous as him.

"Come on Todd, step up. Lets put you out of your misery" Mr. Keating says

Todd somehow looks even more nervous and says " I didn't do it. I didn't write a poem."

Mr. Keating walks up to him and says

" Mr. Anderson thinks that everything inside of him is worthless and embarrassing. Isn't that right Todd? Isn't that your worst fear? Well i think you're wrong. I think you have something inside of you that is worth a great deal."

 He walks up to the front of the class and starts writing something on the board. "I sound my barbaric yawp over the rooftops of the world. W.W., uncle Walt again" and as he's walking in front of the class he says "Now for those of you who don't know, a yawp is a loud cry or yell."

He walks up to Todd and follows it with "Now Todd, i would like for you to give us a demonstration of a barbaric yawp."  Todd sighs a bit "Come on, you can't yawp sitting down, let's go, up" He pulls Todd out of his seat and tells him to get in a yawping stance. Now what a yawping stance would look like, i don't know, but i guess i'll see in a minute. 

Finally for the first time in a while i hear Todd speak, and he says "A yawp"  "no, a barbaric yawp." "Yawp" "Come on louder" Mr. Keating says "Yawp" The boy says, this time a bit louder "come on that's a mouse, louder" "Yawp" He says still not loud enough to the teachers liking he says "Come on boy yell lika a man!" Keating spurs on "Yawp!" I hear Todd yell. Shocked i look at Neil and am suprised to see that he was already looking at me. 

"There it is! You see, there is a barbarian in you after all!" Keating pulls Todd back as he tries to sit back down "Now you don't get away that easy. There's a picture of uncle Walt up there." I look at where Mr. Keating is pointing, and yes there is infact a picture of him up there. Somehow i only notice this now. Huh, anyway. "What does he remind you of? Don't think, answer." I hear "A-a-a madman" Todd replies. I laugh a little and so does Neil. God his smile, his gorgious smile.

And the entire conversation between Todd and Mr. Keating after this was a bit of a blur, but all i know is that it was amazing. And then the bell rings. Thank God. Now i don't have to read my poem. And as i'm walking out of the classroom Mr. Keating says that he wants to talk to me for a second. Now, normally i'd find this wierd but since he's my father i don't mind.

"Y/N, hunny, i've seen the way you look at Neil." He finally says " I know you have a crush on him and i honestly think you should tell him." Shit my dad knows. fuckkkkkkkkk

"huh? uhhhhhhhhhh okay i'll try" " goodbye" And there i go. As i get to my dorm room seeing that was my last class, Neil asks if we could talk. Strange but okay. I invite him in and sit on my bed. 

"So Y/N i've been wanting to tell you this for a while now but i really like you, like a lot."


Shocked i try to process the fact that he likes me back. "Thank God, i've been waiting for this moment for ever. I like you too Neil." I finally manage to get out.

okay he i s definitly my favourite.


heyyyyyyy, i hope you like it!

love, mars

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