Happy News and Bad Days

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*~ Zak~*

I just got back home from an investigation and Alexis told me that she had good news.

I'm very impatient to know what it is.

"Zak, you ready to hear the news?"




"Okay, but I don't know how you will react, Zak... But I'm pregnant."

"Oh wow. This is great." I told her.

"What?" Becka asked.

"Didn't you hear me Becka? I'm pregnant, your gonna have a little brother or sister."

"But I don't want a little sibling. I don't like kids."

"But you babysit Annabelle alot and you love it." I told her.

"But that's different. Annabelle is your best friend's daughter."

"How is that different?"

"Annabelle is your best friend's daughter, I just said that, he is your friend. But I'm getting a little sibling."

"Come on Becka. You'll love your sibling."

"No I won't." She said then ran up the stairs. "Just fucking kill me now!" She said.

That made me feel a little bad.

"She is okay?" Alexis asked.

"I hope so."


My life officially sucks now. Alexis is pregnant. I don't want no fucking brother or sister, don't you know how much babies keep you awake during the night? Most of the night.

When I was in my coma, and I had a dream about my son Alex, he never cried, although it was a dream.

-A Few Weeks Later-

I was here, sitting at this fucking doctors office waiting for Alexis and my dad in the waiting room. I hated it.

This waiting room was a living hell. There were screaming kids, babies crying, couples arguing... all kinds of shit.

Then I went outside, I couldn't take it anymore. I went for a walk. As I was walking, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and I didn't realize what was coming towards me from my right side. A car that was going probably about 70 miles per hour. I moved as quick as I could but it was too late. It hit me. I'm pretty sure that this killed me.


We were finished with the appointment and we found out we were having twins. To soon to tell the genders.

We go out to the waiting room and look around but there was no Becka.

Maybe she is in the car.

So we get to the car and look inside. Nothing. So we look around our surroundings. I see someone laying near the road and I seen the black hair and I thought oh no.

We ran straight to Becka. She was unconscious.

"Does she have a pulse?" Alexis asked me.

I felt for a pulse, but I felt nothing.

"No. Call 911."

They got here as fast as they could and brought Becka to the hospital.

But here came the nurse, probably with some bad news.

"Are you the parents of Rebecka A. Bagans?"


"Well I'm sorry to say that she has passed away."

I knew it. This made me break down in tears.

"My baby girl is gone. I should've brought her into the room with us."

"I'm so sorry Zak."

"Me too. This wouldn't have happened if you weren't pregnant. Why now? It's all my fault.

-Days Later-

We had arranged a funeral for Becka. Today was the showing, and tomorrow is the burial.

Alot of people attended the funeral. Her boyfriend Jake, the crew, her online school friends, our family... etc.

"Would anyone wanna say anything about Rebecka? Zak?"

"Sure." I said. "Okay. Nearly 18 years ago, Rebecka Alexandria Bagans was brought into the world by her mother, who was my fiance, born April First, 1999. The minute I held her in the hospital that day, it was pure joy and so was having her in my life, but here we are today, she was to young, it should've been me. But Becka, I know your hear, I can feel your energy, but I want you to know that I love you, and I always will love you whether you're in my life or not. And when you get the time tell your mother I miss and love her. And stop by every once and a while. We'll miss you." I said. I looked into the crowd of people we know and they were crying.

-The Next Day-

Today was her burial, I was really sad to know that my oldest daughter is gonna be buried at such a young age. Age 17.

I'm sure gonna miss her, more than anything else in the world. Goodbye Becka.


*Sniff* *Sniff* This made me cry. I think I'm gonna make the next chapter, the last chapter. I'm sorry. Anyways, happy reading, or try to be a happy reader.

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