Error 404

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A/N:So I tried angst, specifically akechi- I don't know how to write angst but I tried TT

Something about me I've never liked was talking too much, I akechi touma- am considered annoying. So the only friends I've really had this year we're probably Saiki, Aiura, and maybe Toritsuka, if they even considered me as a friend. 

I've walked the same path a million times now, seen the same scenery, listened to the same songs ,  seen the same school ten million more.. It's almost irritating. 

Things never seem to change. 

One thing I've never seem to put up with was, myself. I could never focus on one thing for too long, or I'll just keep remembering "the incident". But nobody seems to understand, it's too much to put into words, so why bother?

Їꙇꙇ ҋєѵєя ғөяԍєꚍ ѡӊдꚍ ұөҵ ԁїԁ "ғдꚍӊєя" 

Saiki kusuo

I met him so long ago, yet he still serves as a-light to my life. 

But, I know I will never be with him—he doesn't like men, not that I know of or anything. 

I just wish, I wish so much- that maybe, I will be with him. For now, I'm just an mere error. 

Just an error, who'll be fixed eventually.

Just an error. 

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