Greatest Dime

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Sonnet submitted to CoffeeCommunity  on 'Beauty of Time'.


Time ticking over circular gears, not stopping for a reset,
Run, walk or crawl, once it's gone, there's only regret.
Follow the courageous, cause he knows laziness is a crime,
Clutch and toss your fear, before losing the valuable time.

Sometimes light, sometimes dark, time fly by like a cloud,
Take Hold of the slippin' time, or dissolve in a crowd,
Time lost in hesitation, should've taken the leap to make identity 
Rain or rainbow, dreams or reality, just don't end up in a memory.

Time's a fortune, it's wheel never stoppin', cherished in cassettes only,
Peel yourself away from the comforts otherwise you'll cry lonely.
You are not alone as the time is your attorney,
Sour high n' row the boat of
Your short journey.

Believin' strength, say goodbye to waiting for the prime time,
Coz, the beauty of time is the world's greatest dime!!


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