Chapter 6.

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Play the song when it is mentioned in the chapter.

Lying awake, basking in the comforting shine of a new day, I contemplate the darling things that make my life meaningful: Caroline. What happened to my EP? It's out there, soaking up the appreciation of those I don't know. Three songs total.

The songs I write now, however, are happily melancholic. Lyrics speaking one truth but melody riding a different tune and I don't know why.

My biggest fan lies next to me and in this moment, the events of last night feel so far away now. Am I crazy, stupid, or dumb? Oh, I know: I'm in love, and as far as I know, the former three are all symptoms of the illness.

If it was contagious, I'd contract it time and time again... if Caroline was the virus.

Caroline stirs next to me and I observe the swelling on her lips and under her eyelids. I chuckle inwardly of how difficult it is, for her to form coherent words in this state. Lips so swollen. Diction wasn't an option.

The next observation is a little less humorous.
Her wrist limply lays on her pillow, adourned with self-inflicted scars. Three are fresh, only reminding me of what I couldn't do.

I couldn't protect her from herself and I couldn't protect her from the ensuing rage she couldn't control.

I look away and bite my bottom lip hard to help blink back tears. Park Jimin you're stupid.


Just like that, I was fine again. I look over at her, concerned, and ready to be her human tissue.

"Oui, mon amour (my love)?"

"Would you sing me a song?"

"Would you let me bandage your hand while I serenade you, mademoiselle?"

She sits up looking down at her wrists. "D'accord (Okay)."

I reach into the bedside draw and pull out the biggest plaster to cover all three wounds.

She doesn't look at me as I peel off the adhesive. I take back what I said, she does have remorse. Encourages my love even more.


I sing, "이 모든 건 우연이 아냐. 그냥 그냥 나의 느낌으로 (I know it just because, just by my feeling. The whole world is different from yesterday) ~"

She closes her eyes, losing herself in my voice.

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