个 Chapter Five 个

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This stupid phone alarm can't even do it's work.

I had set an alarm on my phone yesterday that was scheduled to ring at 8.00 a.m but it seems like my alarm had other plans.

I just can't believe it malfunctioned today of all days.

It rang at 9.30 a.m and like the sleepy head I am I kept on snoozing it and alas;

It's now 10.30 a.m.

I take a quick shower and it's times like this I really wish I was the flash.

"Oh creepers." I shout as the jean I am currently putting on gets stuck under my butt.

Why are my belongings disappointing me today.

I forgot jeans get tighter after being washed.

I squeeze myself inside the jeans and I'm finally able to get it over my ass.

10.55 a.m , oh gracious.

I'm going to be late...I have to be at Mr. blackmail's office by 11.00 a.m.

I take my bag, wear my sandals and bolt to the bus stage after closing my door.

20 minutes later, I'm in the hospital rushing to get to Mr.Blackmail's office.

'Please bang me.'

I read the words written on the office door and I almost laugh.


How come I didn't see this yesterday.

Oh, I was too scared to even acknowledge my surroundings.

I bang the door three times and it starts opening itself slowly.

Oh, wow!

Technology is dope.

Which reminds me, yesterday Mr.Blackmail pushed open the door all by himself...it looks so heavy.

Hulk the second is in the house.

I step inside the office and I'm met with a very displeased face looking at me.

"You are late." He states while crossing his hands over his chest.

"Better late than never." I tell him and he smirks my way.

"Well, fair enough...take a seat then." He points to the swinging chair and I go sit down.

"Let's start , shall we?" He asks me and I nod my head twice.

Why is this interaction so damn formal.

"This is the written contract stating that you will be at my service at 12.00 p.m every day bringing me lunch,

it also states that I will be the one to pay for all the expenses,

and on Sundays since it's always my day off, you will be bringing me lunch at my house,

and lastly...you will be cooking enough food for two people;

Me and you.

So, in other words we will be having our lunch together."

Are we clear? " He asks me and I look at him as if he just grew another pair of eyes.

Is this man missing some brain cells?

Because I'm sure as hell willing to donate to him my extra braincells.

Who said I want to have lunch with him and to top it all off, I will be going to his house? Just to deliver some stupid lunch.

You know deep down you want to go to Mr.Eye Candy's house, my inner voice tells me.

"I think you went a tad too overboard, ermm..sir." I state my thoughts while avoiding eye contact.

"Call me Nehemiah." He orders in a deep voice.

I wonder how his voice would vibrate when his lips are on my pus-

Goodness, get a hold of yourself Asiah.

Dirty thoughts...I condemn you.

"Nehemiah." I say while adjusting in my seat.

"Love, I have already made up my mind...whether I have gone overboard or underboard you have no say in this." He tells me and I mentally strangle him.

"Now..sign this at the bottom next to your name." He hands me the contract and I glare at it.

I unwillingly put a sloppy sign next to my name and shove the contract back to him.

"Good girl." He says smiling my way and I look down flustered.

I need to get myself together.

"Okay." I say while looking around his office.

"You can borrow a novel if you want." I hear him say and that's when I realize I have been staring at the small shelf full of novels at the right corner of his office.

I'm almost tempted to go look at them but I refrain myself.

"No..I'm sure I have all the novels you have stocked there back at the library I work at...plus they look really boring anyway." That whole sentence is a complete lie but I tell him anyway.

His novels look spicy.

I can see the covers of the novels lined up on the top shelf and well,

Let's just say they are;


I'm gonna need some holy water to clean my eyes with.

"You hypocrite, you never ask for any holy water  when you are stalking shirtless men on the internet." My subconscious tells me and I press my lips into a thin line.

"Hmmm, boring indeed." Mr.blackmail agrees with my false statement but we both know what the truth is.

"Are we done here? Because I have more important matters to attend to." I tell him while adjusting my bag.

"Yes, love...you are dismissed. See you tomorrow at lunch at exactly 12.00 p.m, not even a minute later." He says sternly and I nod my head at him.

Is it just me or has he been calling me love?

I sling my bag on my back while standing up and I retreat my way to his office door.

"Oh, and love." I hear him call out just as I'm about to open his office door and I turn back to look at him.

"I don't have any allergies."

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