Part 25 Epilogue

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I waited for Sam in the living room. When Dylan asked me to go to bed, it was midnight, but I wanted to stay a little more. Just after that, Sam came home. His eyes were red; he came straight to me. He pulled me in for a hug, and he started to cry quietly. I held him tightly and whispered sweet nothings to his ear.

Then, when he calmed down, he whispered, "Erica broke up with me." "Why?" He pulled back from the hug, "she said she met someone else. She wants to see where that could go because we are so far from each other." I knew the distance between them was hard. "How can I help?" "I don't know. Maybe just be there for me when I need you." "I am here; you can talk to me about anything you want."

He pulled me in for a hug again, "I know; I love you, baby girl." I smiled at the new nickname. "You know, I am not a baby anymore," I teased. "I know, but I like to call you that. Can I?" "Yes, but not in public, please." He smiled, "you have a deal, baby girl. But now, go to bed. We will talk in the morning before I have to go to work." "Okay, good night, Sammy." "Good night." I took Dylan's hand and went for the stairs.

"Mac, one more thing." I turned to my brother. "I think you two should stay in separate rooms," he pointed at Dylan and me. My cheeks felt burning; I blushed so bad. I squeaked a small yes to him and ran upstairs. I heard Sam laughing before I closed my door. Dylan stayed downstairs with him.

Later Dylan came to my room, "Macky, I wanted to wish you good night." I didn't look at him; I mumbled a good night and pulled my blanket on me. "What's wrong? Look at me." I slowly turned to him. He took my hands in his, "talk to me. What's wrong?" "Nothing, I just felt like I did something wrong. I wouldn't say I like that feeling." "Honey bee, we have not done anything wrong. We love each other. I will stay with you." "Are you sure? Sam said separate rooms." "I am sure. I love to be next to you."

I smiled at him, "are you going to use nicknames too?" "What are you talking about?" "You called me honey bee." He smiled, "if you like it, I can use it." "Not that one. Maybe we should talk less and kiss more," I teased him. "We can kiss more, but we will talk more too. That way, we can be connected in more ways than one." "I like it. Can we go to sleep now? I am tired." He took his clothes off except his boxers and climbed into bed next to me. "Good night, princess." "Good night, my prince." We chuckled at that, but soon, sleep took over.

In the spring, I went back to school. I graduated in June, and I went to London with Dylan. Their business took off in England, but they needed someone to run it. So Alex wanted Dylan to run it for a while until they had trained a new CEO. I was worried about it at first. Dylan wanted to be a doctor, not a businessman, but he said he would be taking courses at the University of London.

When summer ended, we were both studying at the University of London. Dylan was in medicine, and I studied art and design. We were planning to stay in London for the next three years. Alex had bought a house near London, and he made it safe by his standards. So we live in that house.

Sam let Erica go; I knew it was hard on him. Ryan promised me he would look after Sam. I met my dad before I moved to London. He didn't know me, but I was glad to meet him. Alex went to New York to fix their office problems there. Luke was training to be the next CEO in the New York office, so he went with Alex. It was sad to be away from my brothers, but we talked three times a week.

My last month at uni was hectic; I had so much to do. I didn't see Dylan for a week because of that. Then, two days before graduating from the uni, Dylan came to school to look for me. When I saw him, I ran to him. He hugged me and lifted me, and started to walk to the car park. "Dylan, where are we going?" "I haven't seen you for days, so I am kidnapping you." I laughed, "but I have one more thing to do." "You can do it later or tomorrow." "Okay," I whispered.

He stopped and looked at me, "are you sure? I won't let you out before noon tomorrow." "I am sure. I missed you," I say with a quick kiss on his lips. He chuckled, "I should have done it after I hadn't seen you the first day a week ago." "Okay, Mr. Williams. Where are you taking me?" He started to walk again, "that is a surprise."

"Okay, does your surprise involve you being naked?" I whisper in his ear. He cleared his throat, "maybe, if you want." "Uu, I do. I want it very much. Can you do that before your other surprise? Please," I ask Dylan. "Okay, I can postpone my surprise, but we don't have much time." "Why?" "My surprise will arrive at our house in about two hours." "Okay, let's move then. I also want it after your surprise when we are not in a hurry." "Okay, we can do that too."

We had sex, and two hours later, I walked out of my room fully dressed. Dylan was in the kitchen when I heard voices coming; I moved faster because I thought that was Sam and Ryan. I smiled brightly at my brothers, who were standing in front of me. "Sammy, Ry-Ry, you are here," I squealed. "Princess, of course, we are here. You are graduating in two days. We missed you so much," Sam answered. They pulled me both into their arms, and we had a group hug. I started to cry, "I missed you so much."

After dinner, we sat in the living room talking. "What are your plans?" Sam asked. "We will take the summer off and travel," I said. Then, the doorbell rang, and Dylan went to open it. Alex and Luke came to the living room with Dylan. I smiled at them, "wow, you are here too. I haven't seen you in person for a year." I hugged them. Dylan said, "Mac, I have one more surprise." "Another one?" "Yes. Now that everyone is here. I wanted to give you this," he gave me a little gift. I opened it, confused, "what key is it?" "It is a key to our new place in the US. After our trip, we have a house near your brothers. I know you want to be closer to them, so they helped me buy a house for us." I teared up, "I love it. Thank you. I love you," I kissed him.

"I think you are forgetting something," Ryan whispered to Dylan. He nodded, "Macky, I have something else. We have been together almost from the day we met over three years. I love you so much, and I wouldn't imagine my life without you. You are my sun and moon. Mackenzie, would you do me the honor and marry me?" I was shocked, and tears were streaming down my face," I love you too. You are my moon and sun. I would love to be your wife." He put a ring on my finger. It was beautiful with a small diamond in white gold. We kissed, and our brothers cheered.

After we moved back to the US, I met Rosie. She was a year younger than I was. I had an excellent connection with her, and we became best friends. A month after that, Sam and Kelly got back together. I was delighted that they found each other again after all these years. Others haven't found their partners yet, but they have time. I have an excellent relationship with my foster sisters.


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