Chapter 2

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Kuro stood upright and dissolved the barrier she'd erected, but kept her back turned to Heudhaut.
"Kuro, you two..." Huedhaut spoke somewhat hesitantly. Kuro needed only one look at Shiro's face to know the situation. Shiro's exhaustion had nothing to do with her body. Shiro was a fighter; she wasn't afraid of a fight. Kuro had been writing reports in the heavens when she felt it. Shiro wasn't scared, but there was a sharp pain in her chest. Her heart was crying. If they were just gods barging in on her life, she would have handled it fine. But there was one god – one among the fallen... One who made her heart reel.
Shiro used to talk about it when she was young. About her life in the heavens, and the love she shared with one god in particular. One god with hair that looked like a starless night sky. Finally, Kuro turned her body halfway and turned her cold eyes on the god of Aquarius.
"We're twins," Kuro replied, turning her body halfway to look at him, her eyes cold.
"I apologize. I acted rashly." The corner of Kuro's mouth quirked upward into a wry smile.
"It's fine. You were protecting her."
"Ho. I thought I smelled a snake," a most annoying voice came from the doorway. "What the hell are you doing here?" The lion sneered at Kuro.
Kuro chuckled as her usual mysterious smile spread across her face. "My my, you're as unpleasant as ever. I don't answer to you."
"Leon, what are you doing here?" Huedhaut asked, stepping in front of Kroger almost protectively.
"I sensed divine power so I came to investigate," Leon answered. His eyes fell on the unconscious gods behind.
Kuro shrugged her shoulders casually. "This should hardly be an unusual sight to you."
"Hue, what happened to the goldfish? Did you dispose of her?" Leon asked.
Kuro's eyes flashed. "Oh? Dispose of her?" Kuro sauntered up to the two male gods, her smile unfaltering but her eyes taking on a new, crueler glint.
"I..." Huedhaut seemed at a loss for words.
"What business is that of yours, snake?" Leon asked, a mocking smile playing on his lips.
"It's my business what you do to my sister." Leon's eyes widened at Kuro's declaration. "We can continue this in the living room." Kuro passed the gods with a dignified air and walked through the hall in the direction of the living room, leaving Ichthys and Teorus as they were. It would be a while yet before they regained consciousness.

She found herself looking up at a giant oak tree in the heavens. It stood alone, in the middle of the courtyard. The lover's tree. At times, it looked almost sad. But whenever she looked up at it, she felt her mind clear. She was to start working for the Department of Wishes today. Granting human wishes... It was a wonderful job.
"There you are," She heard Leon's authoritative voice behind her and turned around.
She hadn't met all of the gods in Wishes yet. She knew the minister, Leon, and the vice minister, Karno. She also knew Teorus, mainly because he kept flirting with her every time he saw her in town. Women seemed to fall at his feet. She wasn't sure why. To her, he was a womanising nuisance, but she was polite enough not to say that to his face.
Leon had someone standing next to him. A young man with midnight coloured hair and clear blue eyes. He was strikingly beautiful, even for a god. She was somewhat surprised at Leon bringing someone else with him, but it lasted but a moment as an easy smile glided across her features. Judging by the golden armbands that adjourned his pristine white uniform, she assumed he was another one of the gods who served the Department of Wishes.
"I'm Huedhaut, ruler of Aquarius," he introduced himself, gently taking her hand and kissing the back of it in greeting. She recognised his name. He was one said to be the wisest god in the heavens.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Huedhaut. My name is Clotho, Goddess of Fate." she smiled gently.

Shiro opened her eyes to the sight of a familiar dark blue ceiling. The lights wete off, making the white painted stars glow in the dark. Shiro had to work like hell to get her landlord to let her do this to her apartment. In the end, he never let up and she had to make a deal with her narcissistic cousin to buy the entire damn building out.  Shiro sat up, a splitting headache pounding against her temples. Kuro must have transported her back to her apartment. She could feel her sister's distinct power enveloping her and the building. Right now Kuro was more powerful than the other six gods. She could easily keep them at bay. Shiro sighed. She remembered the dream she had about their first meeting. Part of her wished she could go back to those days. She chuckled self-deprecatingly. What was she thinking? If she went back to those days... If she had made a different choice back then, this world would have ceased to exist. She did what was only natural as a god. And she didn't – wouldn't – regret it.

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