Chapter 5

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Shiro looked at her surroundings. It felt like it had been forever since she'd gotten out of the city. Her co-workers were all excitedly discussing the place of their annual retreat. This time, it was a lake. Shiro stood with them on the shore of the lake as she stretched her arms above her head. This was sure to be a good reprieve. Granted that they didn't bother her.
"Sweet freedom..." she muttered.
"Have you really been that stressed out?" Hiyori asked her. "I thought you'd be happy with that hottie boyfriend of yours. Some people just have to have it all..."
Shiro closed her eyes and her eyebrow twitched. "For the last time, Hiyori, he's not my boyfriend."
"Shiromi, Hiyori. There's still some time until the barbeque. You guys can go ahead and take baths if you want."
"Yeah! I've got to ask Shiro all about her boyfriend in the bath!" Hiyori smiled.
"Hiyori, you're starting to get on my nerves," Shiro warned her.

Hiyori smiled happily as they prepared to get into the bath, telling Shiro about a meteor shower they were supposed to be able to see tonight.
"The air is so clean here. It'll be beautiful," Shiro smiled.
"But we've got our bath and barbeque to enjoy first! I'm going to go ahead and get in the bath," Hiyori said.
"Okay, I'll be there in a minute." Too bad there were no natural hot springs here. That would have been perfect.
A few seconds after Hiyori left the room, Shiro heard a commotion near the entrance to the changing room. The sensation that came with that commotion was not a pleasant one.
"Huh? What is this weird place?"
Shiro's eyebrow twitched.
"What's with that cloth? It says, women. What an ugly decoration."
Shiro's annoyance was growing.
"I believe it's a sign. Meaning, this room would be... Oh." Shiro's eyes were closed, eyebrow twitching uncontrollably.
"Indeed, this would be the women's changing room." Shiro opened her eyes and glared at the three men in front of her.
"What's with that look? The world isn't ending," Leon said.
"Oh, it's Shiro! Hi!" Teorus greeted her.
"Don't 'hi' me! This is a changing room!"
"Relax. I couldn't be less interested in a human's body," Leon retorted.
"I'm pretty sure our anatomy is the same. And that's beside the point!"
"Just FYI. I am pretty interested, though," Teorus smirked.
"Awfully brave of you to say that to me." There was a clear warning in Shiro's voice. Did this idiot already forget who she was? Or that her sister already shot him three times?
"Regardless, we ended up in the wrong place. This was not intentional, but we did breach the rules of good manners. I'm sorry," Hue apologised.
"Who the hell cares about that?! What the hell are you doing here?!" Shiro chased them out of the changing room and demanded an explanation, unconcerned with the fact that her shirt was half-open.
"Sorry about that. We didn't do it on purpose. Please forgive us," Teorus said. He wasn't sorry at all.
"Not that! Go home already!" Shiro yelled at them.
"Is this goldfish ordering us to leave?" Leon asked, unamused. "You really need to learn your place, goldfish." Leon backed her up against the wall, or tried to, at least. Shiro didn't budge as she crossed her arms. "You're awfully brave, skipping town without our permission."
"This is exactly why I didn't tell you. Is it that hard for you people to leave alone in peace for one damn weekend?"
"Yes," Leon answered, anger radiating from him.
"Get out of my personal space." Shiro tried to kick him in the leg but he quickly evaded her. "Don't think I'm the same as one of your lackeys or any other idiot god who's scared of you."
"Shiro, what's wrong? Did something happen?" Hiyori opened the door.
"Huh?" Shiro turned halfway, a dark aura clinging to her.
"Are you okay? Are these strangers yelling at you?" She looked at the men in front of me. "Hm? I think I've seen you before. I remember! This is your boyfriend, right?"
"Excuse me?" Hue asked.
"Boyfriend?" Leon and Teo asked simultaneously.
Shiro's eyebrow twitched.
"This is a surprise. I didn't expect your boyfriend to show up on our trip."
"My name is Huedhaut. It's a pleasure to meet you," Hue said.
"Are you mixed? You're so handsome, and Huedhaut is such an interesting name!" Hiyori said excitedly. Why? Why was this happening?!
Leon snorted. "A god dating a goldfish? Hah. Comical."
"Geez, if anyone is going to play somebody's boyfriend, it should be me..." Teorus complained.
"My, my, that's an interesting declaration." The men went stiff at the sound of that sickeningly sweet voice. Teorus slowly turned around to meet Kuro's one eye, the other obscured by the black bangs that hung over it.
"I-I was joking!" Teorus laughed nervously.
"Kuro." Shiro's face softened as Kuro walked up to her.
"Kuro? Then, Shiro, this is..." Hiyori started, pointing towards Kuro.
"This is my sister, Kuro."
Kuro nodded. "This is Leon, our brother, and Teorus, our cousin. Huedhaut is Shiro's boyfriend." Kuro smirked mischievously.
"Wha—! Kuro!" Shiro's sister ignored her and walked into the changing room.
"Shiro! I had no idea you had such a hot brother. And your cousin, too!" Hiyori looked like she was having the time of her life. Shiro stormed after Kuro into the changing room.
"What the hell was that?!" Shiro demanded.
"What was what?" Kuro nonchalantly began taking off her clothes.
"Don't play dumb with me, Kuro."
Kuro spun around and smiled sweetly. "What? That was the fastest way to shut your co-workers up. Having your overprotective 'family' show up is the perfect cover." Shiro sighed. Kuro was full of it. She knew Kuro was. And the worst was that Kuro knew Shiro knew.

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