Chapter 3

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"Lord Hue!" the kids called out as they set foot in the spacious living room.
"Long time no see. We're here with work requests." Altair smiled.
"The gods in the heavens ordered you to come down here? I suppose our exile is tough on you two as well. So... Why does the goldfish look so forlorn?"
"Kuro isn't here today..." Shiro mumbled.
"Kuro isn't in exile," Hue answered before turning his attention to the kids. "I can't believe they made you come down here first thing in the morning... The powers-that-be in the heavens are still treating the messengers poorly."
"That's just how much everyone relies on you, Lord Hue," Vega smiled.
"So? I take it you're at least good at your job then?" Shiro asked. She didn't mean to sound so harsh, but it might be for the best if they kept a good amount of distance between them. For both their sakes.
"Of course! Everyone knows him as the wisest man in the heavens!" Vega explained. "He's so smart and level-headed, he even stands out in the elite Department of Wishes. He's an amazing god!" Vega, her cheeks flush with pride, nodded enthusiastically.
"If you're so wise, then why did you commit a sin that got you exiled?"
His eyes flashed with sadness for a moment, but he was back to his normal self in no time.
"And what do you think you know about it, goldfish?" Shiro slowly backed away from him. "Why are you backing away from me?"
"I never said anything about knowing. I asked a question."
"Good luck with work. Although, I know I don't have to worry with you, Lord Hue," Vega said.
"Before I start, why don't you and Altair come with me? I'll make us some tea," Hue suggested.
"Wow! This is great! Lord Hue makes the best tea!" Altair exclaimed excitedly. "He's very good with water, so the tea and alcohol he makes are delicious."
"I see." Shiro smiled wryly.
"I see how it is, Altair. Are you trying to say Lord Hue's tea tastes better than mine?" Vega asked.
"Oh! N-No... That's not what I meant..." Altair stammered. Shiro chuckled despite herself.
"I'm sure he didn't mean to insult your tea, Vega. No one could ever outshine you in Altair's eyes," Hue said.
"L-Lord Hue..." the two stammered. Altair was totally blushing. How long has it been? And they're still on the same page as always. Shiro's gaze softened and she smiled, her eyes soon finding Hue's.
"I see you enjoy staring at people's faces for socially inappropriate lengths of time. How lovely." You really haven't changed at all. Shiro furrowed her brows. But I have.
She shrugged. "Not particularly." The room started to spin and she gripped the wall, staggering. Hue caught her before her legs gave out. She felt his familiar, cool hands on her skin.
"Lady Shiro!" Altair called out.
Shiro steadied herself and pushed out of Hue's arms. "I'm fine. I just got a little dizzy."
"I'm glad Lord Hue caught you. Are you okay?" Vega asked.
"Of course she's not okay. Her face is terribly pale," Hue answered. Her bangs were swept away and something touched her forehead. His deep indigo eyes pressed in close to her face. Panicked, she quickly distanced herself.
"I said I'm fine. I'm not sick so quit fussing." Don't look at her. Don't come close to her.
"True. You don't appear to be ill... But you're in no condition to be doing this kind of thing right now, either. Vega, Altair, I'm sorry, but we'll have to have tea another time. We're going out, hungry goldfish." When Hue mentioned the word hungry, it dawned on her. She never ate before coming here. Humans actually need to eat to function. She wasn't a goddess anymore. She begrudgingly followed Hue out of the mansion.

The first place they went to was a department store. Hue quickly chose some men's clothes and changed into them.
"Does this outfit look odd?" he asked.
Shiro was leaning against the wall outside the changing room when he emerged. She waved a dismissive hand. "It's fine."
"You're not even looking."
She slowly turned her head to him and her eyes widened. She scanned him from head to toe before looking away again. "It looks good on you."
"I wasn't fishing for compliments. As long as I don't stand out, any clothes are fine. My normal clothes were a bit too conspicuous," he said.
"Just a bit."
"Alright then, I'm ready now. Let's go." Shiro didn't bother asking him where they were going as she walked behind him. Keeping her distance was proving to be more torturous than she thought.

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