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In denial

╔══════════════╗In denial╚══════════════╝

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Eunju sat on the cafeteria, eating the kimchi from her plate with her chopsticks as Jugyeon sat down, she looked at her with a smile, her cheeks full of the salty and spicy dish.

"That Han Seojun is a bit scary" Jugyeon muttered to Sooa as Eunju chewed loudly "He has that bad boy style" She smiked slightly  "but he's all bark and no bite" Eunju leaned back into her  chair, she then stabbed some tonkatsu with her chopstick and chomped on it.

Sooa looked at the girl, amused of the girl's way of eating and opened her mouth "Do you know what I heard from Seojun?" She leaned over the table "I heard that he beated up a student until he was barely half-alive, so he decided to take a break from school".

Soojin scoffed as Eunju looked at the girl bewildered, meanwhile Jugyeon trembled in her seat "were did you hear that?" The former raised her eyebrows "I heard that he took a break from school because something happened at home" Eunju swallowed as she looked to the side.

"You don't know that" Sooa pouted cutely and the then looked at Eunju, that was playing with her chained necklace "Do you know something Eunju?" She leaned in interested, the girl's  golden eyes widened "No I don't " she responded, the affirmation sounding more like a question, the group looked at the girl  uncovinced asshe swallowed thickly "Look I can't tell you" she said after a while "but it's not because he beated up a student till he was half-dead".

"Told you" Soojin said smugly to a disapointed Sooa, Eunju huffed and watched as Jugyeon stood up from her seat, giving  Suho a drink, the girl gave him a smirk as the boy rolled his eyes.


"So" Eunju skipped next at the tall boy "Jugyeon" She said the girl's name teasingly.

"No" Suho's lips turned into a thin line, Eunju smiled softly "I know I'm just messing with you" she nudged him softly.

"Do you think she likes me?" The boy's eyes lighted up in panic "She didn't mentioned anything" the girl tried to remember anything that indicated that Jugyeon had a crush "Or looked like she had one".

"But she winked at me in class and gave me a drink" He furrowed his brows "I do the same thing to you" Eunju deadpanned as the clueless boy looked at her puzzled "It's not an indication of a crush" she bit the nail of her thumb.

"Plus if she had a crush she would have the look" she rumbled out loud "You know the one" Suho hummed "I'm familiar" his lips quirked up slightly.

Eunju laughed at the response "I was that obvious huh?" she smiled sadly "It's not your fault that he was blind" the boy awkardly patted the girl's shoulder "and an idiot".

The ravenette felt comforted by the tall boy's touch and the gasped dramatically "You swore" the boy laughed lightly "It's someone's fault" she girl smiled widely,  her eyes turning into half moons.

"My mother does a lot of damage huh?" She plucked some leafs from the garden's bushes "She does" Suho confirmed as they sat on the bench.

The pair fell into a comfortable silence, the girl started  drawing in her notebook and the boy was reading while he listened to his music.

Suddenly, one of his earplugs was out and someone asked him to go to the rooftop, that someone being Jugyeon "She's a lunatic" Suho said horrified "What?" Eunju peered up from her sketch book "nothing" the boy swallowed "I need to go to the rooftop" he said cooly, his eyes flared up with annoyance.

"Okayy" she said with furrowed brows, before she could open her mouth again, Suho was gone.The girl rolled her eyes playfully and looked down to her drawing, smiling proudly at the stylish silhouette, her smiled slowly fell, her mind drifting of to memories of a happier time, a time were all of her friends were alive and didn't hate each other. Her golden eyes widened slightly, remembering something, she sublty looked to the sides, only to find herself alone.

The ravenette bit her lip softly as she gingerly flipped the pages full of colorful renditions of everything and anything, pausing when she found a photograph wedged between the pages.

Eunju picked it up gingerly, smiling sadly at it, the photo contained her, Seojun, Suho and lastly Seyeon. The four of them were wrapped in a hug, smiling widely, the girl was subtly looking at the boy with pierced ears whith a light blush. Suho was the only one that hadn't changed much, only now being a few centimeters taller.

Seojun had an undercut and a fake cut on his right eyebrow whilst she had long hair that fell on her face and really baggy clothes, hiding her figure.But the one that changed the most was Seyeon.

Eunju was still in denial that the boy with the brightest smile and happy eyes were replaced with red eyes full of sadness and despair. She closed her eyes tightly, the red and blue lights of the ambulance dancing in the back of her eyelids.

The girl shut the sketchbook rapidly when she saw Seojun approaching her. "What are you doing here all alone?" He rubbed the back of his head awkardly, the girl's chapped lip parted "I was drawing" she gestured to the sketchbook  with a small smile.

"Look, I need to tell you something" he honestly said, unable to look to the girl "I owe you an apology " he swallowed his pride as he sat next to the surprised gir " I was an idiot, you didn't deserve that" he sincerely wishpered.

"Both of us were idiots" Eunju leaned her head back, looking at the sky, smiled uncomfortably "Grief makes us react in the worse ways" she commented as she connected her golden gaze with his dark one.

The boy couldn't legitimately stop looking at her "so, friends?" She said after a while and raised her hand. Seojun shook her hand with a small smile " friends".

Thank you for the 150 reads!!!

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