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The (not) date

╔══════════════╗The (not) date╚══════════════╝

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Eunju breathed out the night air, the redness in her cheeks reducimg by the minute. A few moments later, Jugyeon went behind her "Eunju!" She touched the other girl's shoulder "Oh God I'm so sorry!" Eunju turned to look at the girl with her head cocked to the side and crossed arms.

"I didn't think" the smaller girl began to spew out "I only wanted to get back at Seojun and that was the first thing that came to mind, I could have said that he was in trouble for punching out Suho but no!" The girl brought her hands in the air "Please don't hate me" The brunette clenched her eyes.

Eunju blinked "Jugyeon chill" She sighed "My mother and grandma knew" Jugyeon opened her mouth in surprise "W-well they knew that me and Seojun were going out" She nervously laughed " not on a date, of course,  because we're not going on a date" She closed her mouth.

After going to her house and screaming in her pillow,  her phone vibrated "Hello" She asked "Are you okay?" The deep voice of Seojun asked "If wanting to change my identity and never wanting to go back to this country is okay then I'm perfect" Her golden eyes looked at the ceiling.

"Just so you know, Jugyeon said it was a rumor after you ran away" He said teasingly, she knew for a fact that the boy was smiling right now "And then she told my mom about my motorcycle" he clicked his tongue "What a snitch".

Eunju snorted "to be fair, you snitched first" she shrugged her shoulders "I can't  believe you are defending her" Seojun whined "Aren't you annoyed about what she said about us?" He took out a water bottle from the fridge "I mean, my family knew that we were hanging out " He paused when the girl said that "You tell them that?" He asked bewildered "If I told my mother and my sister that I was going out with a girl they would flip out".

"I can picture it" Eunju snorted "I remember the first time that's I went to your house and your mother asked me if I was your girlfriend" She giggled as the boy smiled " She was dissapointed" Seojun replied honestly as he scratched the back of his head.

The ravenette awed "I mean, who wouldn't want me as their in law I'm awesome" She jokingly said. After a long phonecall, both of them hanged up, buzzed on the feeling that they would see each other tomorrow.


"I bet this would look great on you "Eunju smirked as she held up one of the ugliest shirts she's ever seen. Seojun gave her an unimpressed look and the smirked "Of course, everything looks good on me" He flicked his bangs as the girl playfully rolled her eyes.

Both of them strolled around the shop, taking turns into taking the ugliest things that they could find until they stopped at the jewlery section " look! these earrings are so pretty".

"Yes they are" he said, not even looking at them "If we take two of then we could match" the girl told him. His heart lurched in joy "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go to pay" He said excitedly.

When the girl turned around, she crashed into someone else, "Oh God are you okay?" She asked and bowed " I'm so sorry".

"No problem" the stranger said, a baseball hat covering his features, a wave of recognition went into the girl's brain, but she couldn't pin-point where she saw him. Before the stranger could say anything more, Seojun put an arm around the girl's shoulder "Let's go" He gave the man a polite smile as the latter clenched his jaw in annoyance.

After they paid, both of them went to the arcade, the boy smirking at the girl "I'm going to destroy you at this" he gestured to the dance machine "Oh you're on mister Han" Eunju lowered her voice.

Both of them giggled as they tried to catch up with the moves shown in the pixelated screen, the pair moving in a frenzy tandem, trying to one up the other.

"Yes!" Seojun smiled widely as he pumped his fist. His screen illustrated in gold with a big bold 'winner' written on it "You're lucky I don't have the sneakers" the girl blew on a strand of hair that blocked her vision.

Seojun gave the girl a smug smile " Yeah right" He turned away "This place is packed" The mullet-styled boy looked around "Oh wow" Eunju blinked as she registered the amount of people in the small space "Let's go" The girl raised her voice "I know a place that won't be as crowded" Eunju held his hand as she maneuvered them through the sea of people, unaware of the redness in the complexion of the boy "Okay" He passed his thumb through the girl's scarred knuckles, not failing to realize that their hands perfectly molded to each other.

"Eunju!" An smiling Hyunwoo received them "and Seojun! I didn't know you two knew each other " The frosted haired man smirked as he eyed their holding hands "Come with me I'll show you the booth" The lanky man raised from the chair with enthusiasm "And don't even pay! It's on the house for my favourite costumer and old coworker" He winked at the bewildered couple "I really hope Ada didn't hear that" Eunju stated as she followed the man "Me too Eunju, me too" Hyunwoo sang.

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