Chapter 1

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Another day, another hook up. It's becoming too much of a habit. 5 years, no boyfriend, just boy after boy after boy, zero commitment. I mean, don't get me wrong, I loved the attention, mainly from older men- this would lead to my friends saying I have 'daddy issues', personally I disagree, I just have good taste in men but that's that. At 22 most girls are settled down, in a committed relationship, maybe even married and have children. That's what I wish I had, but I can't break free of the cycle:

•wake up in someone's bed, sneak out, go home, shower, get ready, go out, meet a Boy, go back to his, fuck and repeat, or work, depending on the day. That's the cycle.

After my ex, this began. He spiralled me out of control, I had a routine, as I do now, it's odd really; the two routines were very similar, except it wouldn't be someone random's bed, it would be his, and instead of get ready and go out it would be work. -A stripper. I know, I know, stereotypical, girl who sleeps around is a stripper, what a suprise. I'm actually the only one who does, the rest are all in relationships. But back to my ex, the little fucker decided that because I worked at a "gentleman's club", it would be alright for him to go sleep around with other girls. Now I don't 'fuck' by clients, I just give em a lap dance and send them on their way, turn em on and ditch em. Simple as that. Ok, I will admit I have slept with some of my clients, maybe when I was bored, bad I know. Some of them are genuinely lovely guys, good in bed, others....ehhh lets not go there.

Anyway, yes, I'm in another guys bed, suprise suprise. But this time, something feels different, no no its not inside me where it feels different, well kinda, this guy just seems different. We met at a club last night, a reasonable chap, clearly in a job of high superiority (a good trait in a man, especially in bed), came to the club in a suit and tie, looking very dapper; this attracted me to him as you don't get guys often coming in, in a suit. But now, he lies next to me, brown hair messy, a few scratch marks down his chest, probably alot more on his back- it's his own fault for being so damn good. A clean shaven man, his strong jawline present. Looking down his body, every single muscle was defined but not over the top, just right, and lifting the bed sheets..... well let's just say he's above average and damn does he know how to use it.

Letting out a little giggle I lowered the blanket down. Suddenly, the mystery man began to stir and without second thought, I shut my eyes and tries to deepen and slow my breathing. I heard a low chuckled and him brush my face with his hand. "I know you're awake by the way." Rats. I've been caught. Slowly I opened my eyes and peered up at him;
"Morning to you too" I smiled slightly as my eyes explored every inch of his face, even in the morning, he was still hot.
"Take a picture it will last longer" He smirked. I slowly rose up to a slouched sitting position and swung my legs off the bed and stood up, still bare. Behind me, I heard the bed move slightly and felt his warm hands on my hips. "Where do you think you're going?" He spoke, deepening his voice, which sent a shiver up my spine, looking down, I saw him looking up at me, a slightly glimce of lust in his eyes.
"Home" I replied bluntly "I have work" pushing his hands off my hips, I walked away from the bed and bent over, purposely keeping my lower half up in the air, almost as a tease. This gave the exact reaction I wanted. I heard him get up and walk over, next thing you know, a stinging pain on my ass. Smirking as I picked up my bra I turned and faced him, looking up at him with eyes, almost as if to say 'fuck me' again. The man smirked and placed his hand on my chin, putting his thumb against my lips. I decided to tease him as I opened my mouth slowly and began to suck on his thumb, only once, before carrying on putting my clothes on.

Soon enough, I was changed and the man was sat on the corner of his bed. He really wanted more. Walking over to him, I sat on his lap, moving my hips backwards and forwards once or twice as I slowly kissed him before standing again and making my way towards his door. "As I said... I have work." I opened the door and took one last look at him, I smiled and slowly shut the bedroom door before making my way out of his house and to mine.

Wow... what a man.

A/N: hi guys! Sorry for this short intro paragraph but anyway: welcome to 'US' the characters names will be introduced next chapter. Have a good day!

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