Chapter 1

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"Bang! Bang!" Everyone stilled in their seats shocked by the turn of events. They looked frozen as if time had come to a complete stand still.No one dared to move an inch yet it was clear danger was roaming in the air. " Where did that come from?" One managed to return to the present. They all stared at the man in the most executive seat. Blood was oozing out profusely from his right temple. His eyes wide open indicating he was long gone from the world. The man on his right hand had a smirk on his face.'What a sweet end' was what was clearly written on his face. He stood up and calmly walked towards the dead man and closing his eyes uttering underneath'Nice sleep' and majestically left the room and his eyes couldn't help but become lively.
The others left in the room stood one by one leaving the meeting room others still shocked still coming to terms with what just happened. No one dared to talk. Others seemed happy with the event meanwhile the dead man's supporters seemed worried. The air was just tensed even the hole created by the bullet and the ac seemed not to be effective.
Five minutes later the police could be seen taking samples from the scene as they cleaned off the mess created by the dead man. Another team led by the inspector decide to investigate and interrogate the members present at the event. The Inspector,Mr. Kook was not at all shocked by what was happening. All members gave the same answers and he had just to conclude it was a hit and run case. He went to check the scene of crime and his mouth wouldn't help but form a 'woow'. He made sure his boys did a nice clean up leaving no evidence of a murder scene.
Kook then went to the deputy president's office. Opening the door and entering the ever quiet room , he just laughed making the man seated on the luxurious seat turn and give him a death glare making the handsome Inspector shush up. They looked into each other's eyes for some time as if communicating and the two men burst into a fit of laughter and lucky them the room was soundproof otherwise a passerby would term them mad as a tragedy had hit the country. But the two men were in their own world. The laughter died off when a vibration was heard." Boss it's out of the way" "Job well done.Check your account" The assassin was shocked to see ten times the payment they'd agreed on. It was a risky job but the best he ever did. He'd done several such jobs for the man but this paid him a spend of a life time. He wouldn't bother to work again.
"Such a score, wow!" Kook couldn't help but comment." That guy had seven lives but they're finally due" again they laughed. They had tried to kill the man several times but he always ended up alive and unhurt. One time they were shocked  when his food was poisoned but the man seemed unaffected at all, then, they had seen like a ghost walking in to the office like usual. RightNow they just had all reasons to celebrate their 'achievement'.

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