Chapter 3

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A loud ringing sounded in V's office and with that ringtone he knew it was his two mighty friends." Hey there! Mind some little party" Came Liam's voice. Stoic V just decided to answer with a hmmm. " Usual place" Kook took over.  V wondered what those two were doing together at the time off the day. He just chuckled before a beep sound. This two friends of his were just like him only that they were social unlike him. They had protected him during their younger days when he was bullied by his classmates becoz of his young age and silence.
Liam was a business man like him but had ventured into the political world and in the previous election the guy was up becoming the deputy president. He had actually wondered how the guy managed to reach there but that guy his games were unbeatable and he'd eliminate anyone stopping him from achieving what he wanted. V had to thank God they were not in the same line of business cause only he and Kook knew how dangerous the man was and just by the snap of his fingers he could turn your life upside down. The irony with Liam was that he was social, very friendly and a crackhead and actually a very annoying one. He could play mind games with people and by the time you take his joke seriously he'd have gained and you lose badly. That was Liam.
For Kook, the guy was also a business man but he ended up in the military school where he'd influenced him and Liam to join him. And being bros they went in together, actually they thought the guy was joking but he was more than serious as they completed military training together and he decided to continue with the military thing. Kook was unbeatable when it came to tactics and that's how he survived in both the military and business side actually he was a lawyer by profession and surprised them recently when he became a police inspector.
All in all they were best friends and more importantly had become a family. They helped each other in everything and recently they'd worked together to eliminate their biggest threat.
V took his suit coat and majestically walked out of his office. His employees were shocked to see him leave his office early as he was workaholic . They bowed their heads low as he passed them on his to his private elevator. He dismissed his bodyguards and left for Blue Valley Hotel where his friends were waiting for him.

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