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Officer Lauren Forcer is taking the day off in one of the vast fields of Aster City. It's a beautiful day, not too hot, not too cold, a slight breeze blowing. A perfect day for an officer's vacation. Suddenly the stench of decomposing flesh fills the air. The woman had been beaten, raped, and strangled to death. The poor victim had been lying dead there in that field. Lauren Forcer had stumbled upon the crime scene and the start of the most bizarre murder spree in Aster City history.

The poor police officer is overcome with revulsion and is sickened by the crime. Officer Forcer immediately reports the crime to her fellow police officers.

The victim was later identified as Autumn Audubon. Autumn Audubon was a streetwise, red-furred cat with beautiful blue eyes. Autumn went to the grocery store for her mother and father.

A six thousand dollar reward for any information that leads to the arrest of Autumn's killer is made and a billboard of Autumn Audubon is put up. 

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