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Twenty-five year old Carmelita Corset is out doing chores for her grandparents. She goes into a pharmacy to pick up her grandmother's prescription.

"Your grandmother's prescription has not been processed yet," the pharmacist says.

Carmelita waits a few minutes but noticeably becomes anxious and stressed before telling the pharmacist, "I gotta go. I gotta go."

Carmelita rushes out of the pharmacy.


Fifty minutes later, Carmelita is desperately flailing her arms on the side of the interstate while naked from the waist down to try and get help from any one of the roughly thirty-eight drivers who see her. A dark Ford Pinto is reversing to try and run her down, a man gets out of the car, and forces Carmelita to be submissively led back to the car. Of the thirty-eight people that saw Carmelita on the interstate, not a single soul stops to try and help this clearly distressed, half-naked twenty-five year old woman.

The first call on the incident wouldn't be until three days later. Carmelita would be reported missing to the police just before 8AM by her mother, and a mere two days later, the horrible truth would be discovered. Two teenage boys discovered the body of Carmelita Corset thrown haphazardly in a gully about twelve miles from the interstate she had last been seen. During her autopsy it was revealed that she had been raped, had her skull and one of her vertebrae fractured, and strangled to death by someone using their hands.

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