Chapter 8

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I was more disappointed than I thought with the first empress I met.

Then when did you expect to be disappointed?

Michael was confused.

Meanwhile, Eve wasn't exactly comfortable seeing the glimmer of

disappointment in Michael's eyes.

She explained quickly.

"I understand your distrust of me, a member of the imperial family.But believe me. I didn't come here because I needed a direct driver to be as

reckless as any other royal family has been."

"Then I came here because I needed something."

"Michael, I need you. With great desperation. And to be exact, I don't need a direct driver who isn't you."

"...... What?"

"Only you, Michaelis Agnito, need it."

The sincerity Eve has encountered over and over again has now reached Michael a little.

"Why would you choose me as your direct article?"

"The reason is a serious secret, so I can't tell you right now here. But I'll tell you when it becomes my article."

"So what can you tell me now?"

"To me, Michael, you are an important person, and I will respect you as a knight to the extent that I can.Especially, I will never do anything to force you to do a humiliating task or role by exercising my imprint. I promise with my name and honor."

"That's a promise of no words."

Eve could not refute Michael's sneering reply.

Michael's remark that Eve's verbal promises were not binding was true.

There is a way to sign a contract with magical power, but it is destroyed as

soon as it is imprinted.

Because imprinting is an absolute contract magic that precedes anything, and at the same time, it is the best unfair contract that imposes absurd and unreasonable positions on the person being identified.

As such, it was even stranger for Michael to believe Eve's words innocently.

Eve spoke with drooping shoulders because it was inevitable.

"I'm sorry. I'm asking you to believe me. There's nothing I can do but."

"I guess so......"

Michael replied with a view that he didn't expect much.

Eve grew more nervous.

Then Michael asked something else.

"But the 7th Empress. Does my opinion matter to you anyway?

The imprint is like a tattoo you guys have on us unilaterally. If I refuse, as

long as your power is outstanding, there will be no problem in submitting me."

"No, I'll ask your permission first. If you don't, you'll be forced to do it."

"That's an amazing thing to say in many ways."


"It's amazing how you speak as if you're thinking of my intentions, but it's even more amazing to speak as if it's not a problem to imprint me with my acceptance."


Eve only realized the nuance contained in her words.

"You must be confident. Can you imprint on me that even the Emperor couldn't obey?"

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