Chapter 42

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The host was kind, but the schedule was brutal.
Choosing dresses and accessories, which began early in the morning, was
only finished after sunset.
Of course, it was also because Eve was having a hard time, so Yulia took it
I stayed at the marquis for a full day. Thanks to this, Eve tasted all kinds of
desserts from the Marquis every five breaks and was even served dinner.
Let's get started.’
While enjoying tea for dessert Eve insinuated to Yulia.
"I'd like to customize the ear decoration that suits Lord Agneto. Is it
possible, Young-ae?"
"Do you mean earrings? The Imperial Court rules are that men's earrings
are turgid."
"It's not an earring."
Eve put down her teacup and raised her hand in the air. The silver ink on
her index finger drew a trajectory.
Made in the air was a small wing-shaped painting.
"It's a decoration that wraps around the wheel of the ear. I'm going to cast
the wings with metal and put the jewelry in to give you points. I want it to
be worn on the back of my ear."
It was a men's earpiece that would bring about a pandemic in about three
Indeed, Yulia was the only child of the Marquis of Amelos, who had a well-
known jeweler of the zodiac. She immediately recognized the value of
"Oh, my God! Do these ornaments already exist?"
"It is said that nomadic peoples in the south wore woven grass for
traditional ceremonies. I thought it would be really pretty to make it into
metal jewelry. It's called…… Our way of naming it would be 'ear cuffs'."
"Ear cuffs!"
Yulia's green eyes flashed. She quickly brought a sketchbook.
Eve's hand copying the wing painting in the air was as fast as the electric
"Just leave it to me. I'll tell him to go and get the chief designer to design an
ear cuff for Lord Agneto. You're going to wear it to the next imperial
banquet, right? It's a shame that the first game is an outdoor banquet. I'm
sure it'll go viral as soon as it's released! Second only to the body chain!"
"I'm looking forward to seeing Amelus Young-ae working hard. If you let
me know the payment, I'll pay later."
"What do you mean the payment. On the contrary, we'd like to buy an ear
cuff design. How much do you want? What?"
"You're so excited, Young-ae. Once Lord Agneto has tried it on at the next
banquet, we'll decide after seeing the reaction."
Eve calmed down Yulia and delayed the deal.
Rather than handing over the design rights to Marquis to distribute them in
large quantities, Michael wanted to lead the trend by wearing ear cuffs
exclusively for the time being.
Yulia agreed with regret and asked Eve not to show the design to other
And after the whole story was over, he said with a bewitching face.
"You know the traditional decoration of the nomadic peoples of the South.
I was moved by your erudition of knowledge. If the knowledge is more than
a certain amount, it can go beyond sense."
It was a compliment, but at the end, only Eve's lack of fashion sense
Yulia sent Eve back to the palace with regret. He even said, "Let's choose
dresses and accessories over two days, considering Eve's poor stamina."
Yulia's intimacy seemed to be greater than Eve's. Eve was embarrassed by
the appearance of treating her as if she were a close friend, but soon smiled
and promised her a next time.
Eve, who returned to the imperial palace, fell asleep as if she were falling.
Half-day shopping was harder for her than a three-night study.
The next day Eve overslept after a long time. This is because the fatigue of
the past has flooded in with the hard work the previous day.
It wasn't until late lunch that Eve washed her face in the powder room. On
the market, I asked Sedella about the schedule.
"What do you have to do today?"
"You must attend your regular tea time, Your Highness."
Regular tea time was a place where yellow women aged 16 or older
gathered together to discuss political issues.
However, it was only a superficial cause, and in reality, it was used as a
place to exchange secret stories to one's heart's content while only direct
imperial women were gathered.
The main topic of conversation was the review of the immediate article. It
was an implicit practice to come without an immediate driver during regular
tea time because there were many naked words.
'Sometimes the level of conversation was lewd.’
Eve sighed secretly.
The attendance at tea time was Rosenite. Eve already felt drained at the
thought of spending time with her granddaughters and Rosinette.
On the other hand, Sedella and other maids were motivated.
"Since it's an important occasion, why don't we get dressed up tonight, Your
"Uh, uh, yeah."
It is time for decorative labor to adapt to the imperial palace's physiology
The mint dress puffed up into a panier, highlighted with a light pink busle
and lace. Lime Blonde gracefully turned up and fixed it.
After wearing makeup and accessories, he stood in front of a full-length
Sedella and other maids were proud of the results of the mirror.
"Sir Agneto will be surprised again."
A tempting word encouraged Eve. Eve gave a special order.
"Hmm, there's still time before the regular tea time, right? Then let's have
some refreshments together after a long time."
"Yes, ma'am, I'll call Lord Agnito." The owner, who is scheduled to go to
regular tea time and drink tea for at least three hours, asks for tea together.
Users laughed and moved after noticing Eve's intentions.
The tea time table for each family was set up in the drawing room, which is
famous for being the most beautiful in Sinnok's room.
Michael, who was working in the waiting room of his immediate driver,
entered the drawing room with his servant Hugh.
Michael made eye contact with Eve and paused. The greeting was a little
later than usual because of the wind.
"……I see you, Your Majesty. You're beautifully groomed today.”
"I heard that Mosi is proud when her master is beautiful. I've tried to
promote Michael's loyalty."
Eve joked, quoting exactly what Fioni had said before.
"It seems to be effective.
Michael's words filled the place with laughter.
Eve offered a seat.
"Everyone, take your seats. Since we have some free time, we made a table
to talk about it after a long time.”
"Thank you for your care."
Today's tea was pure herbal tea, not tea made through t-blending.
After moving into Sinrok's room, there was a sunny balcony. With the help
of Fioni, Abe began to grow a small herb garden.
So recently I've learned a little bit of fertilizer-making alchemy or
gardening magic.
Eve, Michael, and Cedela all four users held their share of the teacups.
Michael had been wondering about Eve's bright decorations. I put the
question in my mouth before the tea water.
"It's because I haven't heard about the schedule.Do you have an important
royal banquet today?"
Sedella answered instead.
"There's a regular tea time for you ladies. It's a gathering of the most noble
women in Hadelamide, so you have to pay attention to it as much as to the
royal feast."
"I see."
"It's customary to go without a direct driver at regular tea time. Maybe
that's why Mr. Hugh forgot to deliver the schedule to Lord Agnito. I
apologize on behalf of you."
Michael's nerves were focused on something else rather than on a minor
"Thank you for your kind explanation, but I don't understand. Escort is the
most important duty of the immediate driver. Why not accompany the
immediate driver?"
"It's a place to share a close relationship between sisters. Since we have to
communicate with each other with an open mind, escort and market can be
an inconvenient barrier."
"Yes, I see."
Michael still looked unconvinced, but he didn't argue any more.
Eve stepped up to change the subject.
"So Michael's work is done for today. You can go back to your
accommodation if you finish drinking herbal tea.”
"Okay, sir."
It was common for Eve to leave Michael early for one reason or another. It
was a consideration to give training time.
"I'll be at the Coloso Arena. Call me back anytime."
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The table was sorted out after a little chat. Eve sent Michael to the training
ground first and then fixed his makeup.
Eve was lost in thought for a moment. This is because Michael's request to
call him back at any time seemed more serious than usual.
'Now that I think about it, Betty's a little concerned.’
Bridgette, who would have been irked by the poor migration agenda, would
not look down on Eve.
'You'd better prepare for what happens.’
Regular tea time was in the midst of enemy territory for Eve.
But Eve's worries were not about herself.
Eve looked back at Youngsik, a young boy.
"Yes, Your Grace."
"Keep an eye on the Colos Arena. And if anything happens to Michael, give
me a signal."
"Dear Lord Agneto...…yes, sir."
Eve's isolation makes it difficult for her authorities to protect as well.
Eve was also mindful of the possibility of Michael being targeted.
"Then let's go."
Eve led Sedella and Fioni to a regular tea-time spot.

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