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Cait eventually came back downstairs and offered Forrest a meal, and softened. Her hardened facade only lasted so long around someone who knew her so well. By the evening Cait offered Forrest her couch bed for the night, insisting he stay and rest after pressuring stories of the last few weeks out of her brother. In her mind he needed to be taken care of, needed guidance, almost like a child; but Forrest was an independent cat with walls up in his mind.
"No Cait, I don't need to sleep on your couch, I don't need your help to get a better job, I don't fit in there, you know it, I won't mesh anywhere you can get me in." Forrest tried to explain to his ambitious sister, whose big dreams had poured over into his lap. "Forrest I'm just trying to help!" Cait meowed softly, lowering her head realizing she had made it about herself again. "I'm an artist, I make music, I paint visions, I write poems, I'm not useful like you." He grumbled. Cait scooted closer to her brother and nuzzled his shoulder, resting a hand on his thigh, "You're just fine, Forrest. Every company needs a designer, a dreamer. I can find something, I'm sure!" She looked to her brother and smiled softly but dropped her face when he didn't even reply. Forrest leaned away from his sister and sighed, "I have to go, I have somewhere to be." Caits ears perked up and she eyed Forrest suspiciously, "oh yeah? Where to?" Forrest stood and tried to fix his hair in her big oval mirror, "nowhere important." He dismissed her and went for the door but she stood between him and his destination, "to do what? Or who?" She squinted her eyes and her pupils were lil slits. Forrest, exasperated at her back n forth of support and assumptions, "oh my, Caity, just go, you said you had friends to see or something this evening, I'll be back and I'll have a job by then and maybe by then you can talk to me like a real cat." Cait hissed and her smooth silky fur bristled, "okay! Be like that! Get out and go do whatever you do all alone at night, don't accept my help!" She shouted after him as he walked down the alleyway. Forrest knew his sister meant well, even with her temper and superiority complex, she wanted her brother to eat, maybe just not at her table.

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