Game 2

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Never Have I Ever:—

1) Cheated on someone

2) Broken a bone

3) Been on TV

4) Used someone else's toothbrush

5)Fallen asleep in public

6) Pranked someone

7) Regifted a gift

8) Got on the wrong train or bus

9) Snooped through someone's stuff

10) gone 24 hours without showering

11) Left gum in a public space

12) Ate an entire pizza by myself

13) Made a speech in front of 100 people or more

14) Lied about my age

15) Regretted an apology

16) Deleted a post on social media because it didn't get enough likes

17) Met someone famous

18) Pretended to be sick to get out of something

19) Sang in public

20) Learned a foreign language

21) Held a grudge longer than a year

22) Cut my own hair

23) Thought a cartoon character was hot

24) Set something on fire while cooking.

25) Danced in the rain

26) Had braces

27) Had cavities

28) Shared a news story without reading past the headline

29) Been the subject of a rumor that wasn't true

30) Cried at a party

31) Laughed at a funeral

32) Left a mean YouTube comment

33) Cursed in front a of a child

34) Taken credit for someone else's work

35) Lost my voice

36) Lied during this game

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