Game 4

170 29 815

Comment '💜' if you have done the following and '🐍' if you haven't done the following:—

1) Overuse 'literally' and 'lmao'

2) Believe in astrology

3) Are a selfie queen

4) Have a pet

5) Submitted an assignment with 1minute until deadline

6) Watch 18+ BTS imagines

7) Wore a same outfit 3 days in a row

8) Laughed until you cried

9) Cooked your own meal

10) Speak more than one language

11) Went for a sleepover

12) Sabotaged a trip

13) Fainted

14) Made a youtube video

15) Bunked classes

16) Made a secret gesture with your bestie

17) Punched someone

18) Tried running away from home

19) Eaten pastry with ketchup

20) Dyed your hair

21) Slept with wet hair

22) Been to a wine tasting

23) Had deep philosophical thoughts

24) Drank a cup of herbal tea

25) Virtually flirted with someone

26) Forced to buy something you didnt like

27) Milked a cow with your own hands

28) Broke up with someone

29) Flown overseas alone

30) Been to a BTS concert

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