Chapter 9

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"You excited to finish getting your house set up?" Kaminari questioned as they stood in Kirishima's living room, surrounded by boxes.

"In a way." He replied honestly as he began sorting through the boxes, making piles for each room. He was excited because he did have a place that he liked, but he was upset because it wasn't supposed to be for just him.

"What are all the boxes in your office?" Shinso asked as he walked through the double doors.

"Stuff that Izuku and I ordered online. My mom has been collecting it for me when she came into town." Kirishima replied, flinching when he said his ex's name.

"Does your mom live near here?" Kaminari asked as he located the boxes labeled kitchen.

"She lives about an hour away by train, be she always goes to the city." He replied as he began moving his office stuff over to the room. "Shinso, could you actually do me a favor?"

"What's up?" The purple-haired male asked as he turned towards his friend, grabbing some of the boxes from his hands.

"Can you call Izuku and ask if he wants to come and grab his stuff?" He questioned quietly. He knew if he tried, he would just break down.

"You have his phone number too, right?" Shinso asked as he raised an eyebrow. He said he would help him with just about anything, but he refused to be the messenger. "I know you're hurting man, but that's something you need to do."

"Will you at least help me move it? I don't want Bakubro to see it." He said with a heavy sigh.

"Is he still coming over?" Shinso questioned in response as he began turning the long packages over so the name would be face down.

"Yeah, he should be here soon." Kirishima responded.

"I'm a little jealous we didn't get this house." Kaminari said as he walked into the office from the other set of doors.

"You can have it if you want it." The redhead mumbled in response.

"You don't mean that Kiri." Kaminari said softly as he took a step toward his best friend. He opened his mouth to say something else, but a knock on the door caused all three of their heads to turn towards the source.

"Why don't you take some stuff upstairs and take a breather." The blond said as he slowly made his way towards the door. "We'll entertain him for a bit."

"Thank you." Kirishima responded with a blank expression as he grabbed a random box that was labeled for the bedroom. He booked it up the stairs while Kaminari opened the door, letting the fiery blond inside.

"Welcome to the house we almost got!" Kaminari said with a silly grin as Bakugo stepped inside.

"You two applied for it as well?" He questioned as he slowly looked around the living room.

"Yeah, but we wouldn't have been able to get in until February, so they beat us to the punch." Shinso said with a heavy sigh. As happy as he was for his friends that did get the house, he was bummed he and his boyfriend didn't get it for themselves.

"They?" Bakugo asked with a cocked brow as he slowly looked around the room, looking for a pathway to walk through.

"Oh, Kirishima's mom had to co-sign for 160 days since he's still in school." The purple haired man replied instantly, glad he actually knew about that and it was the perfect coverup for him saying they. The fiery blond was told that Kirishima and Midoriya's relationship wasn't serious, so he didn't know about anything. He didn't know they were moving in together, he didn't know they actually did love each other and he was way too stubborn to realize how bad they were both hurting at the moment.

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