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Lyrics credit: 'Good Day Sunshine' by The Beatles.


Gulf blinked awake to the cheery chirruping of the dawn chorus, heralders of a new day as September's sun yawned it's way up the coat tails of silvery sky mists. It was early - not yet 6am - but his mate already risen from their finally renovated upstairs chamber, dip of the mattress still warm beside the omega and their snuggling 16 week old twins.

More like kittens as they slept, Gulf thought. Eyes squeezed shut, hazelnut baby curls, rosebud lips suckling fantasised dream milk - soon to be rousing ready for the real nectar, Dada knew.

Sarai and Sunisa, born on the lake's beach and named accordingly - Sara and Suni to their close ones.

Just then, the baby monitor leaping into life as Mew entered the downstairs nursery with Tay evidently toddling behind, father-son's morning repartee in full flow as the alpha readied himself to leave for work.


"Shhh luk, your sister's still sleeping. And back in your cot's where you're going too, until Dada wakes"

"Phor sing..."

"Dai, khrab"

"Dada song?"

"You want to hear your Dada's song?", warm chuckles from Mew.

"Happy song. Phor love Dada. Dada love Phor"

"And our babies, na. You brought us from night into day, Tay-Tay"

Humming the introductory bars as he lifted his small son back into bed, stroking gently at shiny, tousled hair as he began to sing a special lullaby:

'Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine

I need to laugh, and when the sun is out
I've got something I can laugh about

I feel good, in a special way
I'm in love and it's a sunny day

Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine

We take a walk, the sun is shining down
Burns my feet as they touch the ground

Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine

And then we lie, beneath a shady tree
I love him and he's loving me

He feels good, he knows he's looking fine
I'm so proud to know that he is mine

Good day sunshine'

And in the room above, with a smile that said everything was right with their world, Gulf reached for a pen and notepad from the cabinet drawer, putting nib to paper to write...

'The Life and Times of a Male Omega Carrier'

// END //

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