Godzilla attacks Gotham

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(At Gotham, Cat Grant is doing a live news report)

Cat: This is Cat Grant reporting live in Uptown Gotham where the Justice League and the peace keeping superhero organization known as Avalon are fighting two extraterrestrial monsters. However, things get worse when the monster known as Godzilla has just arrived after emerging from North River and will possibly fight the Spore Monsters.

(At the Light headquarters)

Vandal: Godzilla, the legendary King of the Monsters and one of the most powerful creatures on Earth has made an entrance. I've seen this creature before.

Queen Bee: Yes, this monster has been a threat to the world for a very long time.

Klarion: So what? He's just a big dinosaur.

Ocean Master: (scoffs) Nothing but an abomination created by the surface dwellers' weapons.

Dr. X: Don't underestimate Godzilla, he's more intelligent than most other kaiju.

Lex: There are other creatures much like him.

Brain: What should we do?

Ra's Al Ghul: Let's just watch the show.

(Back in Gotham, Godzilla roars and slams his tail onto the ground while marching at Scorgas, who roars and charges at Godzilla)

Superman: There's going to fight!

(As Godzilla and Scorgas charge at each other as they collided with one another, entering a brawler lock. Scorgas tries to fight back, but Godzilla keeps pushing his opponent and kicks the insectoid kaiju to the ground. As Godzilla has prepare to destroy Scorgas, Moltrodon flew to aid his partner, attack Godzilla and drags him away while Scorgas recovers, burrows underground to escape while his partner continues to attack the King of the Monsters with his beak and sharp talons, but Godzilla grabs the alien owl with his mouth and throws him in the air. Moltrodon turns around and dives at Godzilla, ready to attack him)

Superman: It's going to attack Godzilla.

(Godzilla glares at Moltrodon as his dorsal plates began glowing blue)

Wonder Woman: The creature is glowing!

(As soon as Moltrodon dives, Godzilla fires his atomic breath at the alien owl kaiju's chest, causing the winged Spore Monster to roar in pain. The Justice League watched as Godzilla's atomic breath destroying Moltrodon)

Black Canary: What's happening?

(Moltrodon burns up and explodes in particles, reverting back to his Spore form, which falls onto the ground) 

Theodore: Godzilla destroyed its body and that creature has reverted back to a Spore.

(The Spore starts to levitate and flies off into the sky, leaving the Earth's atmosphere)

Hal: The Spore went back into space, it will most likely terraform an unexpected planet.

(Godzilla lets out a victory roar, but briefly stares the Justice League and Avalon forces for one minute, and makes it to the North River, sinks into the sea and disappears)

Flash: So that's Godzilla.

Batman: The other Spore Monster got away.

Flash: But where?

(Back in Dragon Cove, Mary, Max and the Blight Force had just defeated the insect army)

King Blight: The insect army has been defeated.

Max: Now can we go to Gotham?

Mary: We could, but Theodore told me just one of the Spore Monsters got away and the other one was defeated by Godzilla.

(Max is shocked)

Max: Godzilla was in Gotham? I can't believe I missed it!

Alora: Do you remember the last time you were in Gotham?

Max: I.........rather not talk about it.

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