Max meets Zax

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(At Mount Justice, The Team and Red Arrow are debriefing with Batman, Black Canary, Green Arrow, Red Tornado and Martian Manhunter)

Green Arrow: You're saying the kid joined the League of Shadows?

Red Arrow: Yes, it was him. We all witness it.

Superboy: He nearly destroyed us and did something to freeze M'gann in her tracks.

Kid Flash: He shoot some beams from his eyes that froze Miss Martian in her tracks after she read his mind.

(Everyone turns their attention to Miss Martian, who's still frozen and moving her eyes as she's struggling to move and unfreeze her body as the effects are slowly wearing off)

Martian Manhunter: She's starting to move again.

Red Tornado: You mentioned he had black hair and a red suit with the letter, "Z".

Aqualad: Yes, with all do respect, I don't think he's Max Stewart, but an impostor.

Artemis: Oh please, he has the exact same powers.

Robin: I think we need to bring him here.

Superboy: He needs to pay.

(Superboy cracks his knuckles)

Black Canary: Maybe we should hear what he has to say.

(Later in the Stewart Mansion, Max is currently watching a show on TV when his phone with Cora)

Max: Who's calling me?

(Max answers the call)

Max: Hello? Hmm...........okay, I'll be there.

Cora: Who was that?

Max: Black Canary.

(Max teleports to the Mission Room of the Cave)

Max: Okay, I'm here.

(Suddenly, Superboy and Robin grab Max's arms, restraining him)

Max: Hey!

Green Arrow: Guys!

Aqualad: Superboy, Robin, stand down.

Black Canary: This isn't necessary.

Red Arrow: It is.

(Red Arrow and Artemis point their arrows at Max)

Red Arrow: Don't move!

Max: What's going on?

Robin: What's going on is this is an interrogation. Yeah, now explain!

Max: Explain what?

Red Arrow: Why did you side with the League of Shadows?

Artemis: Why did you try to kill us?

Max: What are you taking about? I didn't join an organization of the world's most deadliest assassins and I didn't try to kill you guys.

Robin: What happened to your black hair color and the suit with a "Z"?

Max: My hair color is brown and I don't wear a suit with a "Z". I was with my triplet sisters, Ava, Debbie and Mary Jr. at the Dragon Cove arcade.

Kid Flash: Guys, perhaps he'll telling the truth. We don't wanna get in trouble with his mother.

Artemis: (scoffs) Likely story.

Max: I'm telling the truth you idiot!

Kid Flash: Seriously, I say we let him go. We don't wanna get in trouble with his mother.

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