The Meeting

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(This was supposed to be the nightmares chapter, but I decided to rewrite that part, so here you go. They now meet after fucking five chapters)

Yasmina walked the coast. She felt like she was being followed by someone familiar but also distant. She hears the sound of sand being moved.

As she turned around, she gasped as she saw a woman in a wheelchair around 18 who looked so familiar it was startling. "You out here to clear your mind too?" Yasmina asked quietly. "Yeah, something about the ocean is calming to me." The other woman replied, staring out at the dark water. Yasmina pulled out her phone and pulled up a picture she took a while ago at one of Brooklynn's concerts a few years ago. A photo of the background singer Sammy Gutierrez. she looked up at the woman. Yasmina squinted, looking from the picture to the woman and her eyes widened.

"Are you Sammy Gutierrez?" Yasmina asked quietly as she saw the similarities between the picture and the woman in the wheelchair. The woman nodded in reply.

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