Unstoppable (Ch. 2)

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Riding in the 1949 Ford is much more surreal for Cassie than admiring it on the outside. Cramped in the backseats of the car are Cassie, Aron, and Jamie. Rubbing his forehead stressfully in the passenger's seat is Dylan. Behind the wheel is the old woman who kindly introduced herself as Annabelle.

After basic introductions and a washed-down explanation of their predicament improvised by Dylan, awkward silence have taken hold of the group. During the uncomfortably silent car ride, the sun has gradually started to set, resulting in an orange sky that is growing darker by the minute.

Once what feels like five minutes of the young adults taking turns in making small talk with the elderly woman pass, Cassie sees what looks like a house coming up on a cornfield to her left. The car turns down a bumpy driveway with large stacks of corn on both sides.

Annabelle's home up ahead looks surprisingly big for just one old woman. It's a sizable two-story brown house. While showing age in a few areas with patches of worn-out paint, it still looks decently well-furnished.

Now having reached the front lawn of the property, the car slows to a stop. Annabelle turns to her guests and smiles.

"It may not be the Ritz, but I hope it'll be comfortable enough," she says as she opens her driver-side door.

"I think your home looks very pleasant, Annabelle," Jamie says reassuringly.

"Yeah, plus, I'm pretty sure the inside looks way better than the outside," Dylan remarks as he gets out, catching a sour glance from Jamie.

With everyone out of the car, Annabelle makes sure to lock her vehicle. Once she does so, she pulls what is presumably a house key from her pocket and starts walking to her front door. Cassie takes a moment to take in the area around her.

All around the lawn is a huge field of corn. Amongst the vegetables, Cassie can see a few scarecrows set up around the field to prevent any potential airborne theft. The house itself has few decorations aside from a "WELCOME" mat laying before the front door.

With a small CLINK, Annabelle retracts her key and swings open the door. She walks inside, followed by Dylan, Jamie, Aron, and Cassie. Immediately, the four guests take in the nice scent of the house.

While what Dylan said may have come off as rude, it could not be any more accurate. The inside of the house has speckless wooden floorboards, and light brown walls that are decorated with impressive displays of art.

The group is in a linear hallway with a staircase to the left of them, and what is likely the rest of the house directly ahead. Annabelle stands before her guests.

"Annabelle, really, this could not be any more genero-"

"Nonsense!" Annabelle says, cutting off Aron. "Back in the day, when people passing by had automobile breakdowns, my folks would always welcome them into this very house. It didn't matter how busy they were."

"Is there any way I can repay you for your trouble?" Dylan asks, pulling out his wallet.

Annabelle almost looks offended by Dylan's words.

"I don't want your money," she says, catching Dylan by surprise. "Jesus, what is the world coming to if you kids today are paying others for simple acts of kindness. The guestroom is to your right and up the stairs. Please make yourselves comfortable."

"Thank you very much, Annabelle!" Cassie says with a smile.

"Yeah, we really appreciate it!" Jamie adds.

"Of course, it's really no trouble at all," Annabelle assures. "I'm about to fix supper. I'll give you a holler when it's ready in case any of you would like to join me."

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