Final Achievement (Ch. 1)

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August 14th, 2014.

Admittedly, this felt like a better idea in my head. But now that I find myself sprawling out my thoughts into my diary like some child, I'm starting to rethink this. Oh well, it's worth a shot. Let me get on with this and stop wasting ink.

My name is Jack Anderson. Even though this diary is for me to read alone, starting any kind of document without properly introducing myself goes against my harsh literary side. With everything in my life changing at such a rapid and uncontrollable rate, I need to put all of my thoughts somewhere.

Okay, so where the hell do I start? My new place of work will do just fine. Before now, Revocsid was a company I knew very little of. It's one of those things that everyone knows about, yet, knows very little of what it actually is. The past week has certainly given me insight. More insight than most.

The day is so vivid in my mind. When Tim Munnigan visited some miserable prisoner locked behind bars like an animal and knew of my talents. He and his boss knew my potential. And with a simple 'yes' to his offer, the next day I was bailed out with no explanation given. It's become clear the type of people I'm dealing with.

I thought that was going to be the peak of my surprise. Then I was told I would be flown out to some secret island in the middle of the Bermuda triangle where my place of work will be.

Like some evolving plot, the surprises only grew more and more shocking. Outside of surgery, there aren't many uses for a surgeon. The question of my value to these mysterious individuals continuously ringed in my head until it was finally explained to me. My position as a surgeon isn't important, but rather the knowledge and skills that comes with it. Knowing where and how to slice into a body. Easily labeling each and every single part of the body.

What all of this is needed for is something even I hadn't expected. And yes, I had several theories that bordered urban legend territory. My new job is to experiment. More precisely: to open up a human body and improve it with the use of chemicals, drugs, or even DNA belonging to other species.

The results that will come from these trials will be completely unpredictable. And I cannot wait to see what they are. Science shouldn't be limited by moral practices and beliefs. It cannot be restrained.

However, I still wonder what Mark Baldwin's motive is. He's a man with power, influence, and too much money on his hands. Wouldn't figure him as a science type. The only thing I can figure is something Tim let slip. Apparently, there's a project Baldwin has been obsessed with. Something my talents could be used for. The human experiments may be a side interest of his.

Regardless, I am grateful to have been given such a beautiful opportunity. My only question is how my subjects will be delivered.


*Present day.*

Never in Jason's life has he been so thirsty. Makayla, who's sitting across from him in the short wooden boat they escaped in feels the same. The gentle waves of the sea spanning miles around them slightly rock their boat.

Above them, the sky is a very dark grey as a result of the storm clouds looming above the two young survivors. Jason internally begs for the clouds to start raining. The thought of water falling onto his dry tongue makes him go crazy. And the miles of saltwater around him certainly doesn't help.

If he hadn't learned long ago why drinking saltwater wasn't a great idea, he and Makayla would have urinated themselves further to dehydration. Still, it unfortunately doesn't stop the ocean water from looking any less drinkable than the one from his faucet.

"You still hanging in there?" Makayla asks.

Jason looks at her and fakes a smile.

"Yeah," he answers. "What about you?"

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