Final Achievement (Ch. 3)

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November 10th, 2021.

There was a time when I believed in miracles. Long ago, in another life, I believed in faith. I believed in religious texts, a higher power, and destiny. After my invigorating killing spree began, however, those feelings were lost. The idea of a miracle was lost to me. Not anymore.

I have found it. THE miracle. The scratch it gave me yesterday didn't heal, despite the cleaning and bandaging. It only got more painful as the day went on. Then I started to hear what I thought were voices. Not an entirely wrong assessment, but it wasn't voices I was hearing. Instead, a voice.

Everything we thought we knew that exists above our stars was only a scratch on the surface. The voice that speaks to me belongs to a being that exceeds all comprehension. An intergalactic being of pure power and destruction that acts like a disease.

To whomever careless explorer who wishes to seek out the unknown, their curiosity will be turned into weapons, and soon, their civilizations turned to ruble. With this being now coursing inside of me, I have obtained its knowledge. The sheer amount should drive me mad. Hell, maybe it has. I don't know anymore.

Ever since the big bang that kick-started the existence of life as we know it, this entity has been carried from planet to planet, from galaxy to galaxy, from universe to universe. And yet, with how many civilizations crumbled in its wake, all the stories are the same.

A planet's population wishes to seek out others like them. Next, they invent the means to carry out that goal. And then they reach the point of no return. The being takes over them and turns whoever it infects into its subjects. Then, those subjects are tasked with creating more to serve the great being. It doesn't take more than one-hundred-and-fifty-thousand subjects to begin sucking their planet dry of its life force that only strengthens the being's power and influence.

Once the very life of a planet has been sucked out, the being's work is done. That's all it cares for. That's all it exists to do. What's left of the planet turns into either a giant floating gas cloud or a sandy, barren wasteland. The servants, if any are still left alive, are freed of the being's influence, but are still left in the mutated state that comes with the honor of serving it. Usually what's left of the population begins consuming each other so as to not starve. Meanwhile, the being waits in each and every single one of them, until another species makes contact and brings it to yet another planet to destroy.

Earth is now part of the cycle spanning countless years. Sure, some civilizations the being conquered have been primitive. But others have easily been more advanced than we will ever be. We are only an insignificant speck in this entity's conquest across universes.

I don't even know to who I'm writing this. Soon, there will be no one left to read it. But like I said many years ago in my first entry, I do have a harsh literary side. Every story needs an ending.

This being inside of me has given me a great honor. The only reason I haven't turned into one of its mindless subjects is because it has analyzed the deepest reaches of my mind. It knows that I can be of some use willingly, especially with my intelligence intact. I am proud to assist it.

I have named it Seth, after the Egyptian God of chaos, war, and confusion. With Seth's guidance, I have surgically altered the body of its current vessel to be outfitted with bat DNA. It was shocking how easy it was. But then I remembered I have the knowledge that countless other species have possessed. The pathetic tools in my lab were barely enough to complete the process.

With the physical strength and speed of a mutated martian now equipped with flight capabilities, Seth will have a laughably easy time infecting and converting all who stand before it. Even though the being courses through my veins, it has agreed to leave me conscious. The reason why is unknown to me, but I am deeply honored.

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