catching the dick

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As Karen lied on her couch, very much horny as her period had only ended 2 days ago, she wondered if she should give Chad a call and...well have sex. So, she called Suzie.

"Hello? Karen? Is this you bitch?"

Karen sighs as she says, "Hi and yes Suze, it's me, haven't changed in the past day"

"Omg! You fucking left me on read yesterday when I asked what you were doing! Are you okay? Oh lord, something didn't happen right?"

"No Suzie, darling but guess what sista? I got a new friend with benefits. Like, I need your advice. I met him yesterday but do I actually call him and say like, Oh you wanna have sex? Here's my address. Or should I ghost him forever and see if I can get a one night stand for the 10 billionth time?"

"I don't know honestly but OH FUCKING HELL YOUR GETTING DICK. How do you feel? Are you nervous? Its not like we're virgins but bitch we are in college we can't afford relationships. Tell him that at least. And he isn't a minor right? That could ruin your whole life if you make it on a sex offender list."

"He already made it clear to me that he doesn't need a relationship, and it's not like we're sexting. And I'm pretty sure he's not a minor, he looked like all the other college boys in our classes. And his name is Chad that's the whole reason he asked for my number. But that doesn't answer my question: What the fuck am I supposed to do?!"

"Um call him up and just be smooth I don't know what to tell you. But David, my boyfriend, is here so love you Kk"

"Alright see ya later love you Suze bye"

Ok, she thought, just dial the number and say hey, wanna fuck? And so Karen did just that.

"Hey, so I see you did take up my offer!"

"Well duh that's why I called" she remarked to him.

"Ok well I'm free I'll bring lube and condoms what is your address"

"I already have those things, little Chaddy-Chad"

"Did you mishear me snarky-ass? I said, what is your address?"

"It's 123 Up Your Ass on Main street"

"Soon I'll be up yours", he deadpanned through the phone

"Ok Ok fine it's 89 on Westburgh Street it's the white house neat the high school", she said laughing at his witty remarks. No one else could do that with her.

"Ok so be there in about 15 I live kinda far. Bye!"

"Bi bi bi sexual" She then hung up on him with no explanation.

You know what I'm going to do? Fuck it I'm putting on a lingerie for him to take off. And Karen was not joking, she put on a lingerie. And waited. And waited. Then, 16 minutes later fuck him, she heard a knock at the door. And when she opened it up, no shocker, was Chaddy-Chad in sweatpants and a t-shirt, but hey, she wasn't one to talk she was only in leggings and a hoodie, so the lingerie could be hidden for him to find later on.

"Let's get started shall we?", he smooth talked to her

"We shall"

(AN yall are going to have to imagine this  part but shoutout to kallasis and to thedailytypewriter for having me write this story because wow I never thought my random ass emoji stories would lead me here)

College Karen Gets PreggosWhere stories live. Discover now