sup baby mama

29 2 11

"That was fucking amazing Chad"

"Yes well, uh, if you don't need anything, I at least owe you that one for letting my dick be farther up your vagina that a Covid test up the nose" He awkwardly said to her, laughing a bit weakly

"Well, I actually do need some...milk. But I can just go out and get it tomorrow you don't need to", she said back to him.

"Oh no I don't feel like going home just yet so I'll just run out and grab it I have to get a few things myself anyways" He said as he was walking out the door.

Why does he sound so awkward talking after sex? And when the hell did he finished getting dressed holy shit? Karen thought to herself. And so with that, she put her hoodie back on, put a frozen meal in the microwave, and lie down on her couch on her phone until Chad came back. But miraculously, he never did. And trust her, she waited. And texted him after about 30 minutes. But he never ever did show up. So, naturally, Karen blew up his phone, wondering what the fuck happened and if he was okay. But he completely ghosted her. And one week later, only then did she realize that oh shit what sex-induced disease did he give me because holy fuck we forgot to use condoms. And on realizing this, she waited another week before telling Chad this, because not like he would answer anyways. And he didn't. What Karen didn't even consider was pregnancy.

But like Suzie said, crazy college pregnancies only happen in the books and movies, with even the occasional girl every once in a while. Oh how very wrong she ended up being.

(Sorry this chapter wasn't as long I didn't want to combine this one with the next one for some reason)

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