come ere lil mama lemme whifper in ur ear

13 0 0

After about a month after realizing said condom broke, stank ass Karen started to feel sick. Very sick. She would wake up and puke wholeheartedly into the toilet. This, kids, is what we call morning sickness and 8/10 is because you are pregnant. So don't get pregnant. It's a virus then the little virus grows using your money and sometimes becomes a little shithead when it grows up to be a big virus. Now, your probably thinking, why am I mentioning this? Well my fellow grown viruses it's because our dear Karen took it upon herself to call Suzie and ashamedly ask her bestie to buy her a pregnancy test.

"Hey, Suzie, hi it's Karen" says Karen to Suzie as soon as the phone is picked up.

"Well no shit Karen it's 2023 I have contact names. Ignoring that, what's wrong? You sound upset." said Suzie, pouting to herself because she was currently in the middle of the devils tango (although she isn't a highschooler). 

"Yeah it's um a kind of emergency? If you can't come over right now I totally get it your probably busy and the new I have to share isn't all the best" 

"Oh yeah just give me like 15 minutes I'll just clean up a bit and be right there my love" Suzie said this with a smile, because she knew exactly how to make sure her boyfriend finishes and she gets there on time within the span of 15 minutes...

Suzie's POV 

As I hung up the phone with Karen, I knew what exactly needed to be done. Since David wants to play little games while I'm on the phone, I'm very sure of what I need to do to him. I reach into the drawer next to me, and pull out...a ballgag! Yes, this is exactly what this little man needs. As I grab it, David looks into my eyes, looking very guilty for doing this while I was busy. 

"Now David, since you want to have fun with your fingers before I was done with my phone call, I apologize but I need to punish you now."

"That's completely fine with me ma'am."

"Okay then, we shall begin! I won't take it easy on you, I understand you have erectile dysfunction but be a good boy and finish for me in under 9 minutes my love." And with that, she put the ball in his mouth. As they were already in the middle of sex, Suzie merely continued the process and took his dick into her palm. Slowly, she began to stroke over the head and up and down the shaft until for the first time in ages, the penis grew to it full, hard length. 

Huh, Suzie thought to herself, maybe it isn't his erectile dysfunction that makes him soft sometimes, maybe it's his kinks not being fulfilled. And with that thought, she thought of...other kinks. Thinking about this made her very horny, so she decided to grab a dildo out of their drawer as well. David had mentioned embarrassingly before how guys turned him on as well and he wouldn't mind being on the receiving end of a cock every now and then. Of course, Suzie hadn't minded this at all. So she grabbed the lube, put some on the dildo, David's cock and began. She slowly slid the dildo inside of her boyfriend's ass, and started moving it around to his excitement. He arched very hard, just as Suzie does when she's getting fucked. But oh no, he couldn't arch! She pushed his hips down and now that he wasn't arching she could slide her wet vagina on top of his dick. 

Hot damn she thought to herself. All she could distinctly hear from David was the sounds "nngrh" and "aarghh", as his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he moaned against the ball in his mouth. But as said, Suzie could only hear these sounds distinctly. She was too busy getting caught up in her own pleasure as she maneuvered herself to have her G-Spot repeatedly hit. All of the sudden her orgasm hit her, crashing over and over on her in waves as she panted heavily through it. Once the intensity was over and she came down from her high she thought it was time for David to have his turn. She took the gag out of his mouth, and a string of saliva from his now rosy pink lips came with it. She leaned down and pressed her lips to his and started 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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