Pre-Book A/N and Warnings

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Hey! Really quick, before we get into this lovely books of fics, here are a few rules I will place down as far as requesting (and a few other things) goes.

1. I will take almost any ships! The only one I will not accept is RemRom. I don't mind if you ship it yourself, but I will not be writing RemRom, as I perceive them as siblings.

2. I will not be writing smut. I'm not writing because I'm uncomfortable with it, but because I am inexperienced and do not wish to gain much experience on the matter yet.

3. I may take a while to write a select fic, so if you request anything to me; beware of that factor! Motivation can be a real hassle especially when partnered with procrastination.

4. I don't mind roleplays in the comment section, but don't overstretch it too much. Take it into your DMs after a while if it looks like it will be a long-lasting one.

5. Please point out any errors in the book, just don't be a prick about it please- ;v;

6. Do not harass me or any other people for any headcanons or ships that are differently supported. 

7. If you would like to read one of my fics as a podfic, you have permission to, just let me know! I'd love to hear how you partake on the voices of the characters.

That is all! Have a lovely time here. 

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