Exhausted - Shipless; Roman-Centric

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Heyo! This is just a small fic I made in one of my classes.



3rd Person POV

     Roman had just finished writing the script to the next Sanders Sides episode. He didn't know what to title it yet, but what was for future Roman to deal with. For now, he drowned in relief, and his overly messy room. Roman quietly vowed to himself that he would clean the mess up, just not now. Ruthless knocking came from the door.

     "Roman, are you there?!" a higher pitch called from the other side. Roman got up to the door, exhaling quietly and responding with a quiet 'yes?', followed by a yawn. "Oh my goodness, how long have you been in there?! You look so tired," the knocker replied. "Mhm, just script-making. You know how it gets," he began as he almost dozed off. The being with a higher-pitched voice shook Roman gently and took his arm. "Patton, what are you doi-" "Your room's a mess and you're exhausted! You should take a nap on the couch," the 'newly' named Patton interrupted as he dragged Roman to the couch in the commons. 

     Another side, seeming to be darker dressed, perked up; his face coming out of hiding behind a phone. They all looked the same, except they had small features that made them unique. For example, Roman had perfectly tanned skin and emerald green eyes, and Patton had his glasses and some freckles splattered around his skin. "Patton, what are you doing with Roman," the darker questioned. He was a lot quieter than the other two, adding onto his typical 'awkward kid in the back of the class' look. 

     Patton got Roman settled on the couch with a blanket. "I don't think the kiddo's slept in a while," Patton replied, full attention on caring for the exhausted prince. It was true, though, Roman hadn't slept in three days. He was too busy focusing on the script to even think about his own health. "Virgil, kiddo, can you help him fall asleep? I believe you would know a few good wind-down tricks," Patton looked at the quieter side, now known as Virgil, who nodded in return and diverted his attention to the more exhausted side.

     Virgil began to read the transcript to an audiobook Logan had gotten him a gift card for last Christmas. It seemed to work, Roman got more and more drowsy, letting his eyes close and his head fall onto Virgil's lap as the other guided him into a peaceful slumber. The next morning, Roman was a peppy and upbeat as he always was. He was ready to call Talyn, Joan, and Thomas in to review the script he had put blood, sweat, and tears into.

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