♡ fake id & a nose ring - 002.

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"goodnight?? what are you- gay? i would've nailed her!" eli pulled up his mask and gawked at matthew as he told them about last night. "okay, first of all, you wouldn't have nailed her." "whatever dude." "and you know, secondly, the vibe was not right" matthew defended. "the VIBE wasn't right? dude. she comes to your house and makes you strip, okay. what does she have to do? sit on your face?" eli quickly pulled down his mask and cursed at klitz as he went back to hitting him.

"damn.. i should've kissed her." matthew sighed as he heard klitz drop to the floor after a sword hit to his balls. "hey matt? i don't wanna burst your bubble or anything but um, are you telling the truth?" klitz asked from his spot on the floor. matthew spun around. "what do you mean 'am i telling the truth?' what would i even gain by lying to you guys?" "no i didn't mean it like that it's just, you're lying or she has a boyfriend i'm pretty sure."

eli's eyes darted back and forth as matthew frowned. "the fuck are you on about klitzy?" eli held his hand out and helped klitz stand up again. "it's just that um, well, i couldn't sleep last night so i went for a walk and i kinda ended up near your house right? and i see that same kinda car you were talking about drop a guy off at the house you were talking about. the one you said she was staying in. i don't know though like maybe i was hallucinating or somethin-" "nah klitz, you're right. i forgot to mention her friend." "her friend? a guy? she lives with a guy? a guy friend?" eli raised an eyebrow. "not like that stupid. he's just her friend, i don't know much about him but they seem platonically close, not really romantic if you ask me. although i don't think he's my biggest fan." matthew rubbed the back of his neck and internally cringed at the memory of y/n catching him staring.

"well... is he hot?" eli said, just above a whisper. matthew rolled his eyes. "no man, i'm being like dead serious. hot people attract hot people for friends." "he's um, alright? i don't know? i don't find guys attractive." "he was pretty, from what i saw." klitz blurted out, immediately regretting his decision. eli just smiled and pumped his fist in the air. "klitz my man! i can always count on you for a reliable source." klitz nodded as eli threw his arms around his friends shoulders. "matt, you gotta show us these neighbors of yours." he grinned as the bell signaling for class rang.

。 o ♡

"y/n, i'm going out for the day, alright?" danielle called from downstairs. y/n was currently sitting on the bed in his room, listening to 'that crappy emo shit' as danielle described it.  "have fun danii" y/n called, too lazy to stand up and walk downstairs to say goodbye. they heard the door close and let out a small sigh, looking around the room. it was still littered with boxes of unpacked things, and quite frankly, it was a mess. even if the cluttered room made him wildly uncomfortable at times, he had no motivation to clean it up just yet. he also was afraid of unlocking the memories hidden away in the uhaul boxes, although he'd never admit it to anyone but himself.

y/n slowly pulled themselves up from the bed and began to walk out of the room, before their phone rang. they swiftly pulled the phone out of their pocket, only to be greeted with the name he dreaded most. the bold letters onscreen almost taunted him.

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