♡ bleeding little blue boy - 003.

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the five of them arrived at someone from schools party. danielle and y/n were excited to be there, the others, not so much.

the loud music blared as the group walked up to the house, and they earned a fair amount of stares. probably just people wondering who the fuck y/n and danielle were. "dude, what are we doing here" klitz said, looking around at the fights and other activities occurring. "guys, seriously, it's gonna get broken up like any second now." eli spoke up so that the 3 people ahead of him and klitz could hear. they ignored him. "guys?" he tried once more, this time earning a response from y/n.

they slowed their pace and started walking next to eli. "just chill out, learn to enjoy it." they offered, and eli scowled at the accidental irony of that sentence. "i'm guessing you guys have never been to a party before huh?" y/n remarked as some guy pushed klitz out of the way rather aggressively.

"us? nah man we've been to like.. so... many parties.." eli was a horrible liar. "he's lying." "shut up klitz!" y/n found their dynamic amusing. "so that means you're like a party animal or what?" he went to grab drinks and the two friends closely followed. "totally! me and klitz are so... animalistic?" "i bet." y/n said, making hard eye contact with klitz as he handed him a drink. if kelly taught y/n anything, it was definitely how to make people nervous.

"so what do we do now?" eli asked. "i thought you'd know what to do, since you're such a party animal." y/n cocked their head and smiled, successfully making the other boy nervous as well. "i guess you could say it's been a while" eli looked away and mumbled. "man, is your whole friendgroup that easy to fluster?" y/n couldn't help the laughter by now, and he leaned on klitz for support, now standing in between him and eli. "it's not that funny! it's just, i don't know??" eli attempted to save him and klitz but he really was not helping. "it's like, kinda, really funny." y/n finished their laughing fit and stood up straight, quickly downing the spiked punch.

"holy shit. klitz. y/n." eli slapped their shoulders and pointed towards danielle and matthew (who were now making out).

"i know."
"i saw it coming from a mile away."

"you did not don't even lie" eli glared at y/n.
"i did! i even threatened him in the car before we got you guys." "you threatened him?" "obviously." "that's so-" "shut up klitz you're gonna get your drool on me." eli cut him off before he could finish and embarrass himself. "i think you guys are gonna be somewhat tolerable." y/n ruffled the two boys hair as they continued to watch the scene in front of them.

。 o ♡

that night, klitz arrived home to find a number written on a piece of paper that somehow made it's way into his pocket. obviously confused, he flipped the paper over to see the words; 'from y/n !! (p.s.  you think i'm pretty?)' klitz mentally facepalmed as he remembered what he had told matthew and eli earlier that day. but the feelings of embarrassment were soon washed away by the happiness of getting someone's number. someone who he did indeed think was pretty. he placed the paper down on his dresser and decided to text him tomorrow, he didn't wanna seem like a weirdo, texting him at 12am. klitz laid in bed with a cheeky smile, the sheer excitement for tomorrow running through his veins.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2022 ⏰

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