Part 1

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PLEASE READ: this is very old, very cringe and probably has a lot of grammar and spelling errors. Unlike Pink Thoughts (my Macabre x Benevolent fic) I will not be updating this as it is a ship I don't particularly like anymore! Enjoy if you can manage~

Macabre didn't know how it happened, but he had somehow ended up stuck in the night's city. He was also panicking knowing if one of the Nights found him he would probably be killed on sight. And if he wasn't he would be kept for bargaining. Most likely to get Joyous back. The Union had managed to capture Joyous_night, a Night Operative a few months prior, and Great had reported that Horrid had sent him a very angry threatening letter. Macabre was very lost, and didn't know the Night's had a city at all  until now. He had been sent on a scouting mission, to try and figure out what the Night's were up to, but he hadn't realized the city was this big. It wasn't as big as the day's city but it was still easy to get lost in.
"What the fuck are you doin' here?" a voice said from behind him
Macabre turned around quickly, loading his gun and pointing it at the person. He recognised it as Merciless_night an overly brutal and violent night operative who was known to shoot first and ask questions later.
"That gun's not  gonna do anything ya know." Merciless hissed "I can take at least 20 bullets before it starts to hurt."
"Then I'll shoot you 30 times." Macabre growled
"That still won't kill me. Besides this is our city, you can't kill me here." Merciless retorted
"Says who?" Macabre bared his teeth at the tall night operative "I can kill you if I want."
"Says me." Merciless replied "now come with me before I rip your head off."
"Yeah no." Macabre glared at him "I'm not coming with you. Your going to show me the exit and i'll be on my way"
"You are the dumbest of the day operatives aren't you? You're lucky I'm in a good mood today or I would've killed you by now." Merciless said "follow. Now."
"I'll do what I want." Macabre growled
"If you don't follow me you will die." Merciless replied "I doubt you want that"
Macabre gave him a nervous look "fine." he hissed "but i'm doing this on my own accord. Not because you told me to"
Merciless glared at him before walking off. Macabre followed him. They walked for a bit until they came to a gate of sorts. It was made out of some sort of metal and was completely solid. Merciless walked to a small door to the side of the gate, and scanned what looked like a keycard. The small door opened, and Macabre felt a cold gust of air "that's outside" he thought
"Get out of my sight before I change my mind." Merciless growled.
Macabre was very confused but didn't have to be asked twice. "Well... uh thank you...?" Macabre said to the Night operative.
Merciless just narrowed his eyes at him. Macabre heard the door close behind him. It was very cold. So cold he almost regretted not asking the Night operative to stay. However he knew that would result in his capture, and he didn't know how long he would be held there, and he didn't count on Merciless not killing him.

Over the next few days Macabre couldn't stop thinking about the Night city. Why had Merciless let him go so easily? Why didn't he try to kill Macabre or at least harm him and take him prisoner for the coalition? Macabre must have been obviously zoned out because Great wasn't giving him any patrols. "Or was it for some other reason?" Macabre asked himself. He couldn't figure it out. And for some reason it was bothering him.

Merciless_night x Macabre_dayNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ