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Real shor chapter! Trying to condense everything that was on the doc originally :]
Macabre walked a littleways before he realized Merciless had never given Macabre his gun back. "He did that on purpose god damn it!" Macabre thought "he specifically waited around so he could confront me about me leaving the coalition, and then get away with my gun." Macabre turned around quickly and started walking back to the gate. Once he got there he quickly opened the door, only to realize that Merciless was long gone. But Macabre wasn't about to let Merciless keep his gun. He quickly stormed out into the cold snow, and looked for Merciless' footprints in the snow. It wasn't hard to find them, Merciless was very big so his footprints were easy to differentiate from the other footprints. Macabre slowly followed the night operative's trail, being careful not to get spotted by a night monster. He was aware that going outside without a weapon was very dangerous. "God it's cold." Macabre muttered to himself, his breath making a small cloud in the cold air.  He had been walking for at least an half an hour now. He was starting to worry that Merciless might have already disappeared for good. It had started to snow, and Macabre sighed. He decided to look for some shelter at least to warm up for a bit. He walked close to the tall cliffs that surrounded most of the Unions territory. The light snow was starting to turn into a bit of a blizzard. He quickly found a cave, as there were alot of them along the cliffside. He realized that there was a light coming from inside though, and carefully peeked his head around the corner. He realized that there was someone sitting in the cave, with a small fire. It just so happened to be just the person Macabre was looking for.

Merciless_night x Macabre_dayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora