Part two (2)

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Merciless was sneaking into the Day's city. He had been trying not to give in to the temptation of going there, but he had been sent there on a  mission to attempt to get Joyous back anyways. So he had told himself it was just for the mission. The real reason he had volunteered to do the mission was because wanted to come here. He was not so subconsciously hoping he would see the day operative he had found in the Night's city four months prior. Something about him had intrigued Merciless, and he had wanted to talk to him more. Merciless hated himself for that. He managed to get over the city's tall outer wall, avoiding the security cameras. Once he was low enough to the ground where he wouldn't get hurt, he dropped to the ground, only unbalancing for a moment. He wandered around for a bit, not really sure where he had been assigned to spy on the union. He passed a graveyard, and immediately felt like he was being watched. He ignored it and kept walking trying to keep to the shadows. That wasn't too hard seeing as the city was very dark. Just as he turned a corner, he felt something dig into his back, right in between his shoulder blades. He stuck the three large spines on his back up, hoping the person behind him would get stabbed. It didn't seem to work, because he heard a voice
"Look how the tables have turned!" Merciless recognised the day operative he had encountered in the night's city. "Care to explain why you're here? Or shall I shoot you?" the voice growled triumphantly
Merciless quickly turned around and grabbed the gun, crushing it slightly in his grip. He saw the shorter operative's eye flash with panic for a split second. He was about 5 feet tall, had long dark hair, one of his eyes appeared to be missing, covered in an eyepatch, and he was wearing the day's uniform, it was a dark grey colour.
"I'm here to get my fellow operative back." Merciless hissed "his name is Joyous. And your going to show me where your keeping him"
"Mhm" the grey operative hummed "i don't think that's going very well for you is it though?"
"It's going perfectly fine." Merciless said a bit confused
"Well I'm going to kill you now." the grey operative growled
"Pfft" Merciless snorted "I can crush your skull."
"Do it then." the grey operative taunted
"I'm not supposed to cause any casualties while I'm here." Merciless said "but I can lie if I need to. Take me to where you're keeping Joyous."
"No," the grey operative grinned, "you're going to leave. Or I'll take you to the prison."
Merciless pulled his gun out, the grey operative narrowed his eyes at him. But before he could threaten to shoot him, the day operative ducked behind Merciless and put him in a headlock. Merciless was much stronger than the grey operative though. And quickly managed to grab him and press the barrel of his gun against his head.
"Nice try." Merciless growled "now where are you keeping Joyous?"
Panic seemed to have finally reached the grey operative, he was trying to get out of Merciless' grip.
"Just tell me and I'll let you go." Merciless hissed
"I- I don't know!" the day operative exclaimed his voice cracking "Great doesnt tell me anything! Emotionless and Scary are the ones that manage the prison, and they aren't here right now!" The day operative was desperately clawing at Merciless' arm. Merciless glared at him and dropped the operative, but made sure he wouldn't run. "What am I supposed to do now?" Merciless thought "I could take this day operative prisoner to make up for the fact I can't get Joyous back yet. I don't think Horrid would be pleased with that though"
"You don't have any idea where the prison is?" Merciless asked the grey operative, who looked genuinely scared
"I do, but I don't have a pass to get in." He mumbled
"There's no way to force my way in?" Merciless asked
"How should I know? I wouldn't tell you even if I did." the grey operative hissed nervously trying to regain his confidence.
Merciless sighed angrily. "At least show me where the prison is. I'll come to Joyous with help next time."
"I'm not showing you around!!" the operative hissed "I'm not a tour guide! And you're an enemy!" he seemed to have regained his composure
"You're making this difficult." Merciless grumbled "I could always take you prisoner, instead of getting Joyous back."
"I don't think that would end well for you." the grey operative said "you're honestly lucky I haven't called the others here yet."
Merciless scoffed "how'd ya do that?"
The grey operative pointed to a radio attached to his uniform.
Merciless panicked for a second, "I'll just kill you before you can do that."
"You say that yet you haven't done it yet." the grey operative's radio suddenly went off
"Macabre! Where are you? We have a meeting in five minutes!"
"I'll be there in a second, Bene, im dealing with... um... something." The operative, whose name was apparently Macabre, growled
"Do you need help?"
"No, it's fine, I'm on my way" Macabre said, turning the radio off "If I find you in here after this meeting I'll kill you." he hissed to Merciless
"Very well." Merciless responded "if you want to die you can try to kill me."
Macabre frowned at him "you're lucky i'm letting you off this easy." Macabre growled something under his breath and quickly walked off.
"At least I know his name now..."

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