5. Teenagers and their online activism

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Another factor that annoyed the hell out of the public is the teenagers who believed that they were the front line warriors of BLM.

A few weeks ago, I came across a book that was made to cyberbully a girl (She was a minor). That girl had said something racist two years ago. When the mistake was pointed out, she publically apologized four times and deleted her comment. But the cyberbullies weren't happy. They forced her to leave Wattpad.

One of the comments, when the girl declared that she was leaving Wattpad, was 'When you are away, sign some petitions.' I don't even understand the logic behind this.

There was one user who pointed out that what they were doing was cyberbullying. Soon, they ganged upon her. They assumed that she is white and attacked her proving that her words about cyberbullying were true.

These kinds of actions only result in making more enemies for BLM.

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