"She's my friend."

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Hope swung her head back, sopping wet hair making a slapping sound on her naked back. She picked up a smaller towel and used it to squeeze the water away. The bathroom was steamy from her shower and the mirror was completely fogged over. She placed the towel on the slick counter and reached up to wipe a stride on the glass.
She examined herself in the reflection.

Her skin looked smooth and flushed. The hotel bathroom smelled like lemon cleaning products and fresh air. Hope quickly changed into some baby-blue silk shorts and a white thick-strapped tank top she had stolen from Klaus.

The tribrid grabbed her hair brush and worked through the tangles, reminding herself to add more conditioner next time. She brushed her teeth and applied chapstick to her flushed lips.

Hope unlocked the bathroom door and walked outside, cool crisp air hit her in a shiver. Klaus was reading a leatherback book on a white hotel bed. Stefan was curled up on the pull out couch.

He never really slept, most likely because of the blonde in the bed a few feet away. So, Hope slipped some melatonin pills into his tea.

Maybe some shut-eye would make him less broody.

Klaus looked up at her and shook his head in a scolding manner.

"You're going to catch a cold." He pointed to her damp hair. Hope's face pinched and she twirled a piece of her auburn locks.

"It's summer." She deadpanned. He rolled his eyes and went back to the book. Stefan's eyes fluttered from under his lids and he snuggled deeper into the cushion that was cradling his head. His blanket had fallen on the ground, so

Hope walked over and laid it on top of him again, sarcastically patting his head softly afterward as if he was a dog.

The blonde sat his book down and glanced at the ripper.

"I still can't believe you drugged him."

Hope turned to him defensively and crossed her arms. "I didn't drug him.." She stuck up her nose and he cocked an eyebrow in a way that said 'really bitch?'  She dropped her arms and let them slap against her hips. "Ok technically I did, but look, look how peaceful he looks." She held her hand out in the ripper's direction, as if trying to prove she did a good thing. Klaus waved her off and grabbed a pair of sleep clothes for himself before heading into the bathroom.

When the bathroom door shut, Hope sped walked to the bed Klaus just was sitting and took two out of the four pillows resting at the top. She threw them on her own queen sized bed then plopped herself on it, the springs of the mattress bouncing her.

The boys had a busy day; her father and Stefan had found two girls that knew where Ray Sutton had been recently. Hope wasn't allowed to go, of course. It's not like she wanted to anyway. The hybrid did what he always did, he handed her his debit card and told her to find them all some dinner. Stefan never had a preference on the food she bought but he would always eat it.

Hope snuggled her head deeper into the soft white pillow. She was already half asleep when she felt her blanked being brought higher around her shoulders and a hand moving the hair from her face. When she was in the other time, Klaus had watched her sleep because he was worried she would die from the hollows dark magic. But now, he kept an eye out because they shared a hotel room with a bloodoholic.

The whole summer he had been watching Stefan from the corner of his eye, always making sure the vampire never got too close.

Hope drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


Elena waved her hand desperately in front of her. Trying to get him to understand. She couldn't just turn off her love, it didn't work like that.

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