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"You can head home Yukhei. I'll go home later, I still have to go somewhere."

"Are you sure? I can go there with you, it might be dangerous there you know..."

"I'll be fine, Yukhei. Don't worry about me."

That was the last conversation Yukhei and Mark shared before he headed to his said destination. The rustling sound of the leaves, the dark streets, and the cold breeze of the night made Mark shiver in slight fear and anxiety. He really wanted Yukhei to walk with him, but he also didn't want to be a bothersome to him. Plus, it's not even important, he just missed something.

He took a deep breath as he stared at his old house in front of him, the creepy feeling that he once felt crawled through his skin again, making his anxiety rise.

Something isn't right...

Mark won over his fear and anxiety, he entered the house, not caring the strange feeling that his guts gave him. The door slowly creaked open as he pushed it to examine the house's view, it was still the same since he last visited it, but the flow of the air inside changed. The wind came in and out of the window, making them swing back and forth as well. He put both of his hands on his arms, then headed to some rooms to look for some things that Lucas once owned. Mark found some old pictures, letters, and jewelries that he chose not to touch it. He stopped moving when he felt the presence once again but closer.

Could it be an intruder?

He thought, still not moving a muscle. But in the blink of an eye, he turned around when he saw a faint reflection of someone just behind him from the windows, it was unfamiliar that he had to turn around and see who it was. His body went immediately frozen when he saw a man just a few inches away from him, he's pale and faceless, giving Mark a sudden panic attack. Mark was unable to move, nor speak for a few seconds, even though he wanted to run away, he just couldn't. And finally, he was able to move his feet again, so he wasted no time to run away outside the house, tears began to form in Mark's eyes due to the fear and panic he felt. He was sure that he wasn't hallucinating, it feels real to him.

"God, what was that?" He cried, but he didn't dared to turn back around. He sighed in relief when he saw a paper in his hand, it was one of the messages he found inside. He hurriedly walked on his way home, not sure when to visit the house again.

He was approached by his friends as he reached his house, they give him a worried look. "Mark, where were you? We saw Yukhei going home on his own." Johnny asked. They became more worried when they saw Mark's pale face. "What happened to you? You look pale." Mark couldn't answer, his fear still hasn't left him. "Wait, don't tell me you went to the house again? At this late?" Haechan raised his eyebrows, Mark's face made it obvious that he went to the abandoned house again. "Well, I--... Yes, I went there." Mark sighed in defeat, his friends can really read his mind and actions. "And something unusual happened to me..." He added in a low tone. "Someone harassed you?! Tell us!" Ten overreaction startled Mark.

"No, no one did that. It's just... I saw something inside the house, it wasn't there before! And I'm sure that I'm not hallucinating!" Mark explained. The men went quiet, not expecting the answer they just received. "It was a pale and faceless man, I swear that ghost wasn't there the last time I went there, it looks like he's new." He added. "Maybe it's better to not go there anymore, you have enough facts about your boyfriend." Taeyong suggested. His suggestion made all of them agree, and Mark has no choice but to agree as well. "By the way, your dad will be home tomorrow, he told us."

(I forgot to mention it, Mark's dad became friends with his friends too I hope you guys get it lol)

"Oh, I see... Thank you guys, I appreciate your worries." Mark gave him a warm, reassuring smile to them. "We also got Yukhei's number just in case, you might want to remind him that you're okay." After Johnny handed Mark the piece of paper containing Yukhei's number, the other men behind them instantly let out a teasing cough. "Thanks, I'll tell him later... And you too guys, I hope you choke for real." Just like what Mark has said, one of them actually choked on their own saliva, it was Ten. "You really do have a cursed mouth mister Lee."

"We really should go now, bye Mark." Mark nodded, waving his hand as he stared at his friends slowly walking a distance away from where he was standing. When they finally, disappeared from his sight, he went inside his house as well.

As Mark finally entered his room, he remembered the paper he was holding (aside from the number), he immediately checked his hand, and as expected, the paper was crumpled. "Well, at least it's safe." He then straightened the paper to read it neatly and properly, and it didn't surprised him. It was a letter to his man who the others claimed to be him now. "Yup! A cringe yet sweet old letter." Mark chuckled as he put the letter in the middle of Lucas' diary right after he read the half of it. "Oh! Yeah, I have to talk to Yukhei." Mark quickly grabbed his phone, typed the number and dialed Yukhei, not expecting him to answer. But to his surprise, his call was answered just in a second.


"Yukhei, it's me. Johnny gave me your number." Mark happily responded, his feelings immediately lightened up when he heard his voice. "I just wanted to let you know that I arrived home safe and okay."

"That's good to hear, Mark. I really got worried about you, I thought you're making a deal with a drug lord or something."

He heard Yukhei laugh on the other line, and honestly, that was hot(yes same Mark). "Why would I even do that? I just went to my previous home to get something. And by the way, why are you still awake?" He then heard the background noise slowly getting faint, he realized that he's watching a movie this late. "I heard that Wong Yukhei."

"One more episode and I'll go to sleep. Goodnight Mark!"

Yukhei was about to end the call when Mark spoke up again. "Yukhei, I..."


Mark became hesitant to tell it, or he didn't even know what came across his mind to tell that. In the end, what he told him was:

"... I can't wait to go with you next week. Goodnight."

"Me too. Well, see you next week!"

Then Yukhei ended the call. Mark then put his phone down and made himself comfortable on his bed as well. After seconds of having Yukhei in his mind, the person he just encountered at his previous house suddenly popped in his mind again. He then began to think, who was that person? Is he just hallucinating?

Why was that person staying in that house when the last time Mark went there,

There was nothing but silence.

My Guardian *Demon* #2 <LuMark>Where stories live. Discover now