Catch of the day

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Mark: Nasty you don't wanna mess with one of those

Riker: Have you ever see a great white Dad?

Mark: Only once took half my catch for the day and shredded my net you don't mess with em they'll rip ya to bits tiny bits little teeny weeny bits 

Rydel: Rocky? Rocky? Ah dishes 

Rocky: Oh right I forgot it my turn to do them since Riker did it yesterday 

Rydel: Yea thanks bro your the best 

Mark: Rydel check this out this is the best part feeding frenzy 

Rydel: How can you even watch this stuff? 

Jonne'a/Vanni: swimming as mermaids 

Jonne'a: You won't believe it we've timed ourselves and guess how long we can hold our breath for? fifteen minutes 

Chase: That's impressive 

Vanni: Yup it's pretty cool 

Jonne'a: We could probably stay down for longer if we really tried 

Vanni: You're on 

Jonne'a: You think you can beat me?

Vanni: I know I can bring it on 

Riker: You guys must be jumping out of your skin about this stuff 

Jonne'a: Yeah well two of us are 

Capron: Hey Rydel guess what these guys can hold their breath for 15 minutes 

Jonne'a/Vanni: Capron 

Capron: Sorry 

Rydel: What's going on?

Jonne'a: We've been you know swimming 

Vanni: It's the best thing the reef is out of this world

Rydel: That's great so has anyone been able to finish that calculus homework? question seven's a nightmare 

Jonne'a: We missed you this morning why weren't you answering your phone?

Rydel: And that project on geography that's due Thursday we really need to get together on that one

Vanni: Listen Rydel whatever's happened to us is incredible you've got to come out with us the water is amazing 

Rydel: I'm not doing it okay?  I didn't ask for any of this to happen to us so stop bugging me about it okay?

Ross: Hey Rydel you've got to come down the beach 

Rydel: Why little bro why does everyone want me to come down to the beach?

Ross: Woah sis chill all right 

Rydel: sighs I'm sorry for snapping at you little bro I'm a bit tense what's going on?

Ross: It's okay Delly Me and the boys saw the first of this season's turtles laying eggs this morning at the beach it was amazing 

Rydel: Wow that's wonderful 

Ross: Yeah but I heard a rumor that one of them got caught in a fishing net heading back out to sea 

Rydel: Oh poor little thing 

Ross: See ya I'll see you later sis love you 

Rydel: Love you too bro 

Capron: Hey Rydel do you wanna go hang out at the mall later?

Rydel: Busy sorry

Capron: Rydel look I know these recent developments have hit you pretty hard but you can't hide forever just because you're a mermaid-

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