Under the Weather

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Vanni: Your mom is a kitchen goddess

Jonne'a: How does she make this yogurt?

Rydel: I don't know we've got to get going Biology exam today remember?

Vanni: There's plenty of time for that 

Rydel: I don't wanna miss it I've studied all weekend 

Vanni: So what's this flavor?  Is it blueberry or-

Rydel: You two haven't studied have you?

Vanni: No does it show?

Jonne'a: I only managed 20 minutes and every minute was agony 

Rydel: You're hopeless so can we go?

Jonne'a: All right all right 

Vanni: You're such a stress head 

[rolling thunder}

Jonne'a: Nothing to worry about I checked the weather report it's meant to clear up 

[loud thunderclap]

Vanni: We wouldn't even make it to the street without growing tails so turning into a mermaid isn't an option we'll have to stay here

Rydel: We can't just sit here I studied all Saturday and Sunday for this exam 

Vanni: Relax therit just e will be others 

Rydel: That's not funny 

Stormie: Why are you girls still here?

Jonne'a: There's a typhoon outside 

Rydel: It's bucketing down we're stuck 

Stormie: Well I'll drive you the car's just out front come on it's just rain a bit of water won't hurt you come on 

Jonne'a: I really don't think we should Mrs. Lynch 

Stormie: It's just a quick dash Jonne'a what's the matter with you? Jonne'a? Jonne'a? Are you all right? How are you feeling?

Jonne'a: Not so good I'm kind of dizzy and I've got a headache and my tummy hurts really bad and.. [coughs} A cough it's really hot is there a heater on?

Stormie: No you might have a fever just wait here 

Rydel: Why did you fall down like that?

Jonne'a: I don't know it just came to me brilliant huh?

Vanni: Award winning performance 

Jonne'a: Someone had to think of something 

Rydel: So do you have any plan happening here?

Jonne'a: I'm making it up as I go along 

Stormie: Here we go 

Jonne'a: Do I have to?

Stormie: Yes 

Rydel: Mom I don't really think she has a temperature 

Stormie: Well we'll wait and see won't we?

Vanni: Uses her powers 


Jonne'a: What's wrong?

Stormie: Oh there's nothing wrong you just stay here and relax 


Rydel: I hate lying to my mom we have a family policy to always tell the truth 

Vanni: Have you told her you're a mermaid?

Rydel: No 

Vanni: So it's a flexible policy you might say 

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