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Riker: You shouldn't be here you're a menace your mooring line broke because it's feyed through 

Rocky: Bro calm down it's fine 

Miss Chatham: I'm sorry I didn't know 

Riker: Wake up lady get with it

Ross: Hey hey be nice Riker she didn't know 

Rydel: Riker don't be rude give the lady a chance to speak 

Riker: This old bag's boat broke free and hit mine it put a scratch on my cowling look

Ryland: So what it's just a boat it's not that deep so chill out man 

Miss. Chatham: I said I'm sorry 

Rydel: She said she's sorry 

Riker: It's not gonna pay for the damage is it? I bet she doesn't even have insurance this boat shouldn't even be here it's an embarrassment 

Capron: Dude not cool 

Rydel: Riker you're over-reacting even for you 

Riker: Am I?  We'll see what the Harbour Master thinks 

Chase: I'm really sorry about him this is not like him 

Rydel: Don't worry he's all talk and my brother 

Mrs. Chatham: Thank you Rydel come aboard 

Rydel: Thank you you're her 

Mrs. Chatham: That's perceptive 

Rydel: The lady I and Vanni talk about 

Mrs. Chatham: It's nice to be talked about 

Rydel: she never told me you lived on a boat, and you never told me that either 

Mrs. Chatham: I didn't tell you or her I was a Capricorn either but that's another tale oh I'm sorry I've made you uncomfortable I'm not a very good host mind you I haven't had anyone else on board the Lorelei for 23 years 

Hendrix: Miss. Chatham! 

Miss. Chatham: Ah Mr. Hendrix would you care for some iced tea?

Hendrix: You know why I'm here Miss. Chatham another compaint's been received 

Miss. Chatham: People seem to complain so much these days 

Hendrix: A regularity which is hard to ignore when they concern you 

Miss. Chatham: I'll take that as a compliment you care about me lovely 

Riker: You gonna evict her?

Rocky: sighs dude! 

Hendrix: Leave this to me Miss. Chatham we've spoken on many occasions on the last occasion I reminded you of unpaid mooring fees that go back five years 

Miss. Chatham: I don't recall that 

Hendrix: Before that you've been served with several requests to maintain your vessel according to regulations 

Miss. Chatham: I must open those letters I've been meaning to read them 

Riker: You're getting evicted lady you're gone 

Ross: Riker this is so messed up what you're doing to the poor lady 

Hendrix: Do you mind I'm handling this 

Riker: Well hurry it up 

Rydel: Why are you doing this?

Hendrix: We've been pretty patient with Miss. Chatham over the years but the time has come to act 

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