
10 3 2

She plants her boots until she's rooted, and ready to engage.

The axe on her shoulder wielded by solid hands — a resolve to match.

A demon adversary with Goosander fangs enters the fray.

With mottled purple flesh, like Gloxinia Empresses, poised to attack.

A towering wolf. His fur, and the fog, are the same graphite gray.

Two legged, and familiar — body knotted like a lumberjack's.

The wolf seeks her eyes where unspoken words are exchanged.

When the demon shrieks with violent rage, her wolf bellows back.


A/N: Wood/plant/mineral themes still present throughout the three related prompt poems even though the structure of the third poem has changed. (Memory, Sublime, Rage)

A goosander is a duck, which doesn't sound very intimidating, but their teeth gives me the heebie jeebies. Ducks with teeth! 😱

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