Chapter Three - The Start Of The Future

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June 20th 1980 - Diagon Alley

James and Lily were in Diagon Alley that Friday to sort some things out at Gringotts. Adhara would be born in roughly a month and they had decided to make sure everything was in order before then.

Walking down the infamous shopping district was unnerving. Due to the war almost no one was there and those who were kept looking over their shoulders and acted swiftly, their wands in their hands in case they needed to protect themselves. The usually bright buildings had become dull, and shop after shop was boarded up, their displays collecting heaps of dust and grime.

Finally they reached Gringotts, the one building that continued to glow with magic in these challenging times. Trodding to the doors guarded by door goblins, James took a glance at the warning poem:

'enter stranger, but take heed,
of what awaits the sin of greed
for those who take, but do not earn,
must pay most dearly in their turn,
so if you seek beneath our floors,
a treasure that was never your, thief, you have been warned, beware,
Of finding more than treasure there'

He shuddered, ever since he was a child and his parents had brought him here it had creeped him out. Once inside, they walked to the head goblin and had requested a will writing. "Of course," the short creature sneered, "Arkoff! These wizards want a will writing!" another goblin came into view and with a curled lip he told them to follow him. Walking down the intricate halfway, they finally reached Arkoff's office.


"Now, onto the godparents of your child, who would you like to appoint?" The redhead and the brunette had decided beforehand that Sirius should be a godfather, especially because he was, albeit unknowingly, Adhara's uncle. James and Regulus had spoken about who should be made the godmothers and they had chosen Marlene (they didn't tell her they were together- or that they were having a child- but Regulus had full confidence that she would figure it out even without the will, the bloody ravenclaw) alongside Reg's cousin.

"We would like Sirius Orion Black III as godfather, and Marlene Melissa McKinnon and Andromeda Cassiopeia Tonks née black as godmothers." Arkroff proceeded to slide over the parchment and both wizards conjured up a dagger. James went first, slicing his finger above the document and letting 7 drops of blood fall before using episkey to fix the small wound. After Lily had also done it they finalised the contract and left.

July 31st 1980 - Godrics Hollow

Today they were finally able to bring Adhara home, she had finally been born. James could picture Reg, holding her, her little hand wrapped around his finger as he beamed the brightest smile possible at her. He could picture it, but he'd never see it happen. He pushed the thought out of his mind as he held their daughter and vowed to be there for her and protect her until the day he died.

July 27th 1981 - Godrics Hollow

The faux couple were sitting in the dining room, looking through old polaroids with half drunk glasses of firewhiskey in their hands. "Ha, I remember this... i took Marls and Alice to an arcade, Marly loved that stupid impossible shooter game...oh merlin i can't believe she's gone!" sobbed the freckled woman. "I can't believe it either Lils...she was family...Adhara's she's," his voice cracked, "she's with Reggie." The two allowed the tears to pour freely down their faces, their broken sobs echoing around the large, primarily empty room.

First the Prewett twins, Fabian and Gideon, now Marly and Dorcas, and Mary too, she had just disappeared a few weeks ago and left no trace. Their lives were being destroyed by Voldemort and his followers, conquered by fear and anxiety. They were losing more and more people as the days passed...more and more friends.

Adhara would be one in a few days and this was not the world James wanted her to live in. He had wanted her to be safe. To live a long, happy life... something Reg didn't get and something he felt he nor Lily would get either, so he was glad he was leaving his daughter in safe hands with the Tonks'.

October 31st 1981 - Godrics Hollow

The tan man was entertaining his daughter with the charms his parents had done for him, the goofy grin on his face contrasted by his dark eyebags and the clear worry shining in his eyes. "James, you should sleep tonight, I'll take watch for you, you look like death," she said, not unkindly, but they both knew it was useless. Since learning about the prophecy the bespeckled man hadn't been able to sleep well, his anxiety keeping him awake. He picked up a tired Adhara and passed her over to Lily, understanding she had started making her way towards the stairs when there was an unexpected slam.

The two adults shared a look, having a silent conversation.

Nodding James walked towards the window and peered through a gap in the curtains. He let out a shaky gasp and uttered the words they had both dreaded they might hear for months, "He's here Lily, Voldemort's here," he ran towards the door and yelled at her to take Adhara and get to an apparition point, and despite how much she wanted to protest she knew she needed to protect the baby. The door was abruptly blown down and standing in its place was an older man, with dark hair and dark, cruel eyes. James tried to fire a spell but the other was much faster, and in the blink of an eye a toxic green light hit him in the chest.

As his soul departed from his body moments he cherished flashed before his eyes: meeting the marauders; nights spent in the astronomy tower with Regulus; pranking Minnie and running away under the cloak; tearful reunions, goodbyes and acceptances; and his Bambi, his baby, the child he'd be leaving behind. He smiled, knowing she would be in good hands, sure that she'd be okay, and knowing he'd soon see the love of his life again.


As Lily ran up the stairs she was terrified beyond belief, but she knew she'd do anything to protect her Lotus, the pure, kind child in her arms. She reached the window in the nursery and attempted to cast the spell only to find it impossible. They had been sabotaged. As she heard slow, steady steps coming towards the room she cursed the bearded fool in her mind, placed Adara in her crib, and stood protectively in front of it. The door was blown in and she cast a lightning quick 'protego' to block them from the debris.

In the doorway stood an aged gentleman with cold and calculating eyes, staring at her like a wild animal would stare at its prey. "Move aside you silly girl, i don't need to kill you too, just the child would do," the audacity of this snake-faced bitch, Lily thought, as she glared fiercely at him, because no man told Lily Jasmine Evans what to do, "Never." she hissed. She stood her ground even as the unforgivable curse was shot at her, refusing to allow him to take her pride, even as her heartbeat stopped.

Memories of her and Marly, Alice and Reg rushed past her eyes. When they went to the arcade. When she took Marlene and Regulus to muggle London. Pranking the boys because they knew they'd never be suspects. She smiled, knowing Adhara would be okay, and knowing her chosen family was waiting for her on the other side.


Voldemort looked at the child in the crib and found it difficult to believe it could be a threat, but his informants had never been wrong before and he wasn't willing to take the risk. So he found himself pointing his wand at it, and muttering the accursed words he'd grown so familiar with only to feel a shock- like he had been struck with lightning. He felt his soul tear, and then his body dematerialised into nothing but ashes then being transported to an unknown location, but not before he caught sight of a certain infuriating twinkle...

~1380 words~ hiiiii, hope y'all liked that chapter, please don't forget to comment and vote :))) have a great day/night and I hope those of you who celebrated Easter had a good time

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