Chapter I

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Y/n Pov

The twinkling moonlight reflected off the windowsill, the soft pattering of rain hitting the ground, soothing you might call it. The calm night was un-disrupted by any other sounds, peacefulness, tranquility, soundlessness.

A sharp knock suddenly echoed through the hotel room, the keyhole then clicking. There Quackity stood, the tools for torture in his hands. The Las Nevadas leader strode towards me, "Hello Y/n."

" Hi Quackity," I spoke to him with confidence and an unwavering voice despite my sheer terror.

Big Q. turned and locked the door, grabbing me roughly and slamming me against the wall, a knife to my throat.

"Now Kitten," He pushed the knife almost so that it was drawing blood, "Are you going to tell me where Dream is now?"

I swallowed and answered the honest truth, "I don't know."

He sighed, "Perhaps you need more convincing!" Quackity grew angry now, releasing the sharp blade from his grip and it tumbled to the floor, I looked down.

Quackity removed his hands and I slumped to the floor, trembling. The nation leader rummaged through his bag until he had some rope, tying my waist and one arm to a chair.

Picking up the knife again, he took my untied arm and made a small cut. A single tear slipped from my eye and I looked away.

"Does it hurt Kitten?" He asked me evilly, already knowing the answer. Blood was now trickling from my arm, a horrible pain.

"N-no," I struggled to speak, I would not be losing my honor from this.

"Clearly this isn't working," Quackity leaned in closer to me, the blade now away from my arm, "Perhaps you would like a threat?"

I shook my head and turned to the side, not wanting to face him.

"How about this? Tomorrow," He started, "We'll bring your little friend here," I gulped, this wasn't good, "A certain Wilbur?"

"You wouldn't dare to touch my father!" I mustered up the courage to speak.

"So now you talk? Alright I'll play your game little slut," I shivered, "Stay here."

(I was forced to say that)

Well it wasn't like I had much of a choice.


"Hello bitch," Quackity once again locked the door, "I just had some urgent matters to attend to."

So that's what all the fuss was about? Thats dumb. No scratch that, it's bullshit.

"O-ok," I was really stuttering now.

He rolled his eyes, "I'm going to ask you one more time. Where. Is. Dream?"

"I wish I knew..." I whispered.

"That's it!" He threw his hands in the air, "I'm so sick and tired of this! Just cooperate for once! Then again," Quackity stopped talking for a second, "Maybe you are telling the truth."

The Las Nevadas leader grabbed my wrists, turning me and pinning my wrists above me on the wall. He leaned in, "Gosh, so pretty," You really wouldn't expect a compliment from him, "All tied up like this."

Quackity threw me onto the bed, thankfully leaving and slamming the door shut behind him. I was sore, my wrists bleeding from trying to escape the chair and my whole arm cut. The only thing I could be thankful for while I nursed my wounds, was the fact that I was still alive. One more day. One more day and if Wilbur and Tommy didn't rescue me I would make my grand escape. 

"Sunrise" ~Quackity X Reader~ WARNING: AngstWhere stories live. Discover now