Chapter III

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I almost burst out laughing, "Why would you want me to stay?"

Quackity frowned, "I'm not sure actually," But he was definitely hiding something from me, and I wanted to find out.

"Be honest!" I cried out, "I'm sick and tired of being in the dark! I just want some answers for once!"

"Fine," He paused, unsure of how much to tell me before continuing his sentence, "Being Dream's older sister means that we can hold you as hostage and against him," Big Q stood up and glared at me from above, "Satisfied with your answer?"

"Yes, but why don't you just capture Drista? She's only fourteen," I argued, then hastily added, "But don't."

"I'd love to capture a goddess inside another kingdom heavily guarded by people because she is a judge and protected by her alias brother DreamXD, the MOST POWERFUL GOD, but you're just more practical."

Sheepishly I stared at the ground, he wasn't dumb and had a point. He hadn't bought my suggestion that would have landed him straight into certain doom, maybe I should think twice about what I say from now on.

"Alright kitten," Quackity grabbed my arm, "Time to go back."

As he was leading me away from the tree clearing and freedom I spoke up with one more desperate excuse that was actually true, "I haven't even talked to my brother in years."

He stopped in his tracks, "Are you being serious? I injured you for nothing?" Suddenly Quackity's eyes softened up a bit, "I'm sorry you know."

"I can't say I forgive you," I started, "But I do understand."

The rest of the walk was silent.


274 words! I didn't want to post today but here you go. Please keep in mind that I am currently working on four stories at once and this is extremely difficult to add really long chapters and post almost every single week. I apologize for any inconveniences and hope that you enjoyed this short segment!  

"Sunrise" ~Quackity X Reader~ WARNING: AngstWhere stories live. Discover now